Movie Review: The Living Daylights

James Bond confers with M.

Movie Review: The Living Daylights (1987) directed by John Glen As part of a training exercise, several 00-class agents of British intelligence agency MI6 are assigned to infiltrate the military installation on the Rock of Gibraltar. The defenders are armed with paint-guns, but there’s a ringer, a Soviet agent who is taking the opportunity to kill… Continue reading Movie Review: The Living Daylights

Movie Review: From Russia with Love

James meets Tatiana.

From Russia With Love (1963) dir. Terence Young James Bond (Sean Connery) is being stalked through a garden maze by a mysterious figure. The stalker manages to get the jump on Bond and strangle him with a wire garotte concealed in his watch. Our hero is dead! But no, we swiftly learn that this was another… Continue reading Movie Review: From Russia with Love

Book Review: Sweep of Stars

Book Review: Sweep of Stars by Maurice Broaddus Muungano isn’t an empire, at least not yet. It’s a strongly connected group of communities including the Dreaming City on the Moon, Bronzeville on Mars, Titan, and the far flung Oyigiyigi mining outpost. They’re tired together by a shared weusi culture dominated by peoples from the African… Continue reading Book Review: Sweep of Stars

Anime Review: Mobile Suit Gundam: The Witch from Mercury

Lilique knows you can't pilot giant robots properly if you don't have good nutrition!

Anime Review: Mobile Suit Gundam: The Witch from Mercury The year is 122 Ad Stella, presumably counting from the establishment of the first permanent space colony. Various corporations were quick to expand their presence, and with the discovery of the miracle substance Permet, the various space nations became more powerful than Earth. The Benerit Group… Continue reading Anime Review: Mobile Suit Gundam: The Witch from Mercury

Book Review: Dave Dawson with the Air Corps

Book Review: Dave Dawson with the Air Corps by R. Sidney Bowen After several exciting adventures in the European and Pacific Theaters of World War Two, Captain Dave Dawson of Military Intelligence is certainly due a few days of rest and recreation. But after three days on the beach in California, he and sidekick Captain… Continue reading Book Review: Dave Dawson with the Air Corps

Book Review: Flash Gordon Book Four: Forces from the Federation

Book Review: Flash Gordon Book Four: Forces from the Federation by David Hagberg At long last, Colonel Steve “Flash” Gordon and his companions Dr. Hans Zarkov and Dale Arden are headed home in their refurbished starship, the Intrepid. They’re looking forward to briefing the Federation government about their adventures fighting the android robot warlord Martin… Continue reading Book Review: Flash Gordon Book Four: Forces from the Federation

TV Review: The Adventures of Long John Silver

Captain Silver exults at returning to the sea.

TV Review: The Adventures of Long John Silver Ye’ll likely be familiar with the basic plot of Treasure Island, by Robert Louis Stevenson. ‘Tis a fine tale of the sea, with adventure and pirates a-plenty. But if by some sad mischance ye are not, feast your eyes on me review of the book! There have… Continue reading TV Review: The Adventures of Long John Silver

Magazine Review: High Adventure #47: The Case of the Black Lotus

Magazine Review: High Adventure #47: The Case of the Black Lotus edited by John P. Gunnison The success of Sax Rohmer’s classic villain Fu Manchu led to other writers trying to create their own Yellow Peril master villains. A couple of them even got their own short-lived pulp magazines. This magazine reprints the stories from… Continue reading Magazine Review: High Adventure #47: The Case of the Black Lotus

Magazine Review: Science Fiction Adventures May 1953

Magazine Review: Science Fiction Adventures May 1953 edited by Philip St. John Science Fiction Adventures was a short-lived digest-sized magazine, running from 1952 to 1954. It was aimed at slightly younger readers, and edited by Lester del Rey under a pseudonym. Apparently, there was a dispute over payment, and del Rey quit as of 1954… Continue reading Magazine Review: Science Fiction Adventures May 1953

Book Review: Farthing

Book Review: Farthing by Jo Walton England didn’t win World War Two. In fairness, they didn’t lose either. Thanks to a coalition of wealthy nobles and businessmen, Rudolph Hess’ mission was a success, and the Axis were able to negotiate a peace settlement with Great Britain. This is generally considered a great saving of British… Continue reading Book Review: Farthing