Book Review: God’s Little Acre

Book Review: God’s Little Acre by Erskine Caldwell Ty Ty Walden likes to think of himself as a good Christian. That’s why he has tithed the proceeds of an acre on his Georgia farm to the church. But he’s also got gold fever. Ty Ty is convinced that somewhere on his land is a rich… Continue reading Book Review: God’s Little Acre

Magazine Review: Galaxy Science Fiction November 1973

For reasons unknown to me, this issue had two different covers. There was a standard painting cover, and the one on the copy I have, which shows the contents with a few of the interior illustrations.

Magazine Review: Galaxy Science Fiction November 1973 edited by Ejler Jakobsson The last issue of this magazine I reviewed was from the 1950s, so there’s a considerable time gap, and we can see some definite changes in the science fiction field. “Think Only This of Me” by Michael Kurland opens the issue. Humanity has gone… Continue reading Magazine Review: Galaxy Science Fiction November 1973

Book Review: Second Street Station

Book Review: Second Street Station by Lawrence H. Levy The “historical mystery” sub-genre is the intersection of the mystery and historical fiction genres.   Pick a time period in the past (there’s no minimum gap requirement, but it’s best to pick one far enough back that everyone involved is conveniently dead), research it, stir some… Continue reading Book Review: Second Street Station