Book Review: The Automaton

Book Review: The Automaton by Ian Young XR-345x awakens to find itself apparently the last of its kind. According to his holographic AI helper Holographic Automaton Navigation Console (Hank for short) humans left the surface of the earth around five thousand years ago, and the other automatons eventually followed suit. But an anomaly has arisen… Continue reading Book Review: The Automaton

Manga Review: Orochi the Perfect Edition Vol. 4

Manga Review: Orochi the Perfect Edition Vol. 4 by Kazuo Umezz Quick recap: Orochi appears to be an ordinary, generically pretty young woman, but is actually a seemingly ageless being with vaguely defined supernatural powers. She has a gift for spotting people who are going to have interesting things happen to them and following their… Continue reading Manga Review: Orochi the Perfect Edition Vol. 4

Comic Strip Review: Jet Scott Volume 2

Comic Strip Review: Jet Scott Volume 2 Script by Sheldon Stark, Art by Jerry Robinson Quick recap: For a few years in the early 1950s (1953-1955) comics legends Sheldon Stark and Jerry Robinson tried their hands at a science fiction newspaper comic strip. The United States Government had a Department of Scientifact that investigated unusual… Continue reading Comic Strip Review: Jet Scott Volume 2

Manga Review: Mao, Volumes 11-13

Manga Review: Mao, Volumes 11-13 by Rumiko Takashashi Quick recap: Nanoka Kiba is by this point not at all an ordinary Japanese schoolgirl. Years ago she was transported to the Taisho Era (the 1920s) and “cursed” by the cat spirit Byoki. When she reached puberty, Nanoka became able to pass between the 21st Century and… Continue reading Manga Review: Mao, Volumes 11-13

Book Review: Tom Swift and His Ocean Airport

Book Review: Tom Swift and His Ocean Airport by Victor Appleton The Tom Swift series of books are about a young inventor who gets into various adventures involving the technology he works with. They started out relatively realistic, with him as a teenager who tinkers with motorcycles and motorboats that he comes into possession of,… Continue reading Book Review: Tom Swift and His Ocean Airport

Magazine Review: Hooded Detective January 1942

Magazine Review: Hooded Detective January 1942 The Black Hood was one of the superheroes created for the MLJ (later Archie) Comics line, first appearing in Top-Notch Comics #9 in 1940. Matthew Kipling “Kip” Burland was originally a rookie cop who was framed for grand larceny and injured to near death by a criminal known as… Continue reading Magazine Review: Hooded Detective January 1942

Magazine Review: The Scots Magazine October 1978

Cover photo by Jim Giles of Loch Voil.

Magazine Review: The Scots Magazine October 1978 Like many people of Scots descent, I have a mild interest in the country and customs of my ancestors. I even wonder sometimes what the place is currently like. For me and people like me, there’s the regional interest publication, The Scots Magazine. First published in 1739 as… Continue reading Magazine Review: The Scots Magazine October 1978

Book Review: The Book of Cthulhu II

Book Review: The Book of Cthulhu II edited by Ross E. Lockhart It’s spooky stuff month again, so I sat down with this thick volume (24 stories) of tales inspired by the works of H.P. Lovecraft for a couple of weeks. This is a sequel to The Book of Cthulhu that I reviewed earlier on… Continue reading Book Review: The Book of Cthulhu II

Book Review: Shadow Knights: The Secret War Against Hitler

Book Review: Shadow Knights: The Secret War Against Hitler written by Gary Kamiya, illustrations by Jeffrey Smith In 1940, things were looking pretty bleak for Great Britain. Nazi Germany had swept the continent of Europe, all countries there either under its control, that of Fascist Italy, or staying neutral to avoid invasion. The Americans weren’t… Continue reading Book Review: Shadow Knights: The Secret War Against Hitler

Movie Review: Twin Dragons (1992)

Boomer and John finally meet face to face.

Movie Review: Twin Dragons (1992) directed by Ringo Lam Boomer (Jackie Chan) was raised by a single mom who had a bit of a drinking problem but tried hard to give him a good upbringing in the low-income areas of Hong Kong. She never talked about his father. Now he’s an auto mechanic and street brawler,… Continue reading Movie Review: Twin Dragons (1992)