Manga Review: D. Gray-Man Volumes 9-10 by Katsura Hoshino In an alternate late 19th Century, European and Asian civilization is under attack by beings called “akuma.” These monsters (made by tricking/bargaining humans into wearing mechanical bodies that then wear the skin of the original human) are under the loose control of the Millennium Earl. He… Continue reading Manga Review: D. Gray-Man Volumes 9-10
Tag: Edo
Manga Review: Blade of the Immortal Omnibus 1
Manga Review: Blade of the Immortal Omnibus 1 by Hiroaki Samura Manji used to be the samurai retainer of Lord Horii, and served faithfully until the day he discovered that the people he’d just killed on orders from Horii were in fact not criminals, but innocent peasants who were going to the government with evidence… Continue reading Manga Review: Blade of the Immortal Omnibus 1
Manga Review: Samurai Executioner Omnibus 2
Manga Review: Samurai Executioner Omnibus 2 written by Kazuo Koike, art by Goseki Kojima Yamada “Decapitator” Asaemon is the o-tameshiyaku, sword-tester for the shogun and official executioner of criminals. It’s not a pretty job, but at least he has one in Edo-era Japan, during a time of peace. Without wars to fight, many of the samurai… Continue reading Manga Review: Samurai Executioner Omnibus 2
Manga Review: Ooku 10 & 11
Manga Review: Ooku 10 & 11 by Fumi Yoshinaga Quick recap: In an alternate Shogunate Japan, a plague wipes out 80% of the men, requiring women to take over most of the jobs previously held by males. This includes being shogun (military leader, the day to day ruler of Japan, as opposed to the Emperor, who… Continue reading Manga Review: Ooku 10 & 11
Movie Review: Hissatsu (Sure Death)
Movie Review: Hissatsu (Sure Death) A group of seemingly ordinary Edo citizens, mostly of the merchant class, are in fact a loose team of assassins. But fear not, they’re good guy assassins who only take money to kill people who really deserve it. Problem! There’s a new assassin in town, who’s exclusively targeting the local… Continue reading Movie Review: Hissatsu (Sure Death)