Comic Book Review: Man-Thing by Steve Gerber: The Complete Collection Vol. 1 by various creators You may have heard a story like this before. A biochemist working for a secret agency develops a chemical that evil people want to steal. They come to his place in the swamp, and he winds up with the serum… Continue reading Comic Book Review: Man-Thing by Steve Gerber: The Complete Collection Vol. 1
Tag: ducks
Book Review: Eleven Blue Men
Book Review: Eleven Blue Men by Berton Roueché September 25, 1944, New York City. An elderly man collapses on the sidewalk. When a police officer investigates, he discovers the man has turned blue. The blue man is rushed to the hospital where the doctors are baffled by his condition. Worse, he’s only the first of… Continue reading Book Review: Eleven Blue Men
Comic Strip Review: Hägar the Horrible: “Caught in the Act!”
Comic Strip Review: Hägar the Horrible: “Caught in the Act!” by Dik Browne It is the age of Vikings, what some will call the Dark Ages. In a coastal village somewhere on the coast of Norway lives a minor raider chieftain named Hägar the Horrible. This doughty warrior travels around the known world, and sometimes… Continue reading Comic Strip Review: Hägar the Horrible: “Caught in the Act!”
Book Review: Didi Dodo, Future Spy: Recipe for Disaster
Book Review: Didi Dodo, Future Spy: Recipe for Disaster words by Tom Angleberger, art by Jared Chapman Disclaimer: I received an Uncorrected Proof through a Goodreads giveaway for the purpose of writing this review. No other compensation was requested or offered. As an uncorrected proof, there may be changes in the final product–in particular, some… Continue reading Book Review: Didi Dodo, Future Spy: Recipe for Disaster
Book Review: Under a Wild Sky: John James Audubon and the Making of THE BIRDS OF AMERICA
Book Review: Under a Wild Sky: John James Audubon and the Making of THE BIRDS OF AMERICA by William Souder When John James Audubon arrived in Philadelphia in 1824, he carried with him a portfolio of beautiful bird paintings he hoped to turn into a book, and a backstory of childhood in Louisiana, being the… Continue reading Book Review: Under a Wild Sky: John James Audubon and the Making of THE BIRDS OF AMERICA
Comic Book Review: World of the Dragonlords
Comic Book Review: World of the Dragonlords written by Byron Erickson, art by Giorgio Cavazzano Donald Duck has read another self-improvement book. This one is about family togetherness, so Donald drags his nephews Huey, Dewey and Louie and Uncle Scrooge out to a picnic in the woods. None of them are particularly keen on… Continue reading Comic Book Review: World of the Dragonlords
Anime Review: Tsuritama
Anime Review: Tsuritama Yuki Sanada is a high school student who has no friends and limited social skills. Whenever he’s in an uncomfortable social situation, Yuki freezes up with anxiety, depicted as him drowning. From the outside, his anxiety face makes him look wrathful and unapproachable. It doesn’t help that his grandmother’s job requires them… Continue reading Anime Review: Tsuritama