Anime Review: Marvel Anime: Wolverine

Logan battles Omega Red.

Anime Review: Marvel Anime: Wolverine Logan, the man codenamed “Wolverine”, has lived a long time. Part of it, of course, is his mutant healing factor, but years of combat training, and a skeleton made of super-hard adamantium help too. And then there’s the sharp adamantium claws that pop out of his forearms. These days, his… Continue reading Anime Review: Marvel Anime: Wolverine

Anime Review: Miss Kuroitsu from the Monster Development Department

Miss Kuroitsu has ambitions of moving up in the organization.

Anime Review: Miss Kuroitsu from the Monster Development Department Wherever there are evil organizations trying to take over the world, brave heroes will rise to oppose them. And wherever brave heroes oppose evil organizations, there will be monsters created by those organizations to battle those heroes. Evil Organization Agastia, opposed by Divine Swordsman Blader, is… Continue reading Anime Review: Miss Kuroitsu from the Monster Development Department

Magazine Review: Science Fiction Adventure Classics #12 Winter

Magazine Review: Science Fiction Adventure Classics #12 Winter edited by Sam Moskowitz This is a magazine I could find very few details about. It reprinted 1920s and 1930s tales from Amazing Stories; it’s listed as quarterly, but seems to have been published on a more irregular basis. This issue is apparently from 1970 though there’s… Continue reading Magazine Review: Science Fiction Adventure Classics #12 Winter

Book Review: Rod String Nail Cloth

Book Review: Rod String Nail Cloth by T. Aaron Cisco The subtitle of this book is “An Afrofuturist Mixtape.” You can read more about Afrofuturism at this Wikipedia article but for the purposes of this review, it’s the intersection of speculative fiction with the African Diaspora experience and cultures, and in particular the experience… Continue reading Book Review: Rod String Nail Cloth

Comic Book Review: Essential Captain America, Vol. 2

Comic Book Review: Essential Captain America, Vol. 2 written by Stan Lee, art by various. In 1941, war raged in Europe and Asia. Though the United States was not yet directly involved, it was preparing for the day when it might be pulled in to World War Two. Among other things, this meant recruiting many… Continue reading Comic Book Review: Essential Captain America, Vol. 2

Magazine Review: Asimov’s Science Fiction May/June 2021

Magazine Review: Asimov’s Science Fiction May/June 2021 edited by Sheila Williams Back in 1977, Isaac Asimov was one of the top three or so science fiction writers in the world, and had a very strong personal brand. So when Davis Publications wanted to create a “name brand magazine” for science fiction like Ellery Queen Mystery… Continue reading Magazine Review: Asimov’s Science Fiction May/June 2021

Webtoon Review: Invincible

Invincible and Allen the Alien discuss the future.

Webtoon Review: Invincible Markus “Mark” Grayson is, on the surface, a fairly typical teenager in his final year of high school. He studies, is interested in a girl, has a terrible part time job, and worries about living up to his father’s expectations. What makes this a bit more unusual is that Mark’s father Nolan… Continue reading Webtoon Review: Invincible

Book Review: World’s Best Science Fiction: Third Series

Book Review: World’s Best Science Fiction: Third Series edited by Donald A. Wollheim and Terry Carr (also printed as “World’s Best Science Fiction 1967”) The introduction to this volume of science fiction stories from 1966 mentions that there was a tendency to longer stories in the field, perhaps because many of the ideas required more… Continue reading Book Review: World’s Best Science Fiction: Third Series

Movie Review: Terminator 2: Judgement Day

T-1000 reveals its default form.

Movie Review: Terminator 2: Judgement Day (1991) directed by James Cameron In the near future year of 1995, two visitors from the slightly further future of 2029 arrive. One has been sent by the hostile artificial intelligence Skynet to kill the leader of the future Resistance, John Connor (Edward Furlong) while he is still a child,… Continue reading Movie Review: Terminator 2: Judgement Day

Anime Review: Saint Seiya: Knights of the Zodiac

From left: Dragon, Pegasus, Andromeda and Cygnus

Anime Review: Saint Seiya: Knights of the Zodiac The Greek gods are real. Well, kind of. They’re actually energy beings that periodically reincarnate in human bodies. Athena in particular is important, since her servants (called “Saints”) help her defend humanity against the more malevolent gods. Except that this time, the rebirth of Athena was accompanied… Continue reading Anime Review: Saint Seiya: Knights of the Zodiac