Book Review: Heart of the West by O. Henry William Sydney Porter (1862-1910), better known to most readers as O. Henry, moved to Texas from North Carolina for his health. There, he worked on a ranch for a few years before feeling well enough to take up his primary occupation of pharmacist, and fell in… Continue reading Book Review: Heart of the West
Tag: cowboys
Book Review: Lot’s Return to Sodom
Book Review: Lot’s Return to Sodom by Sandra Brannan Disclaimer: I received a download of this book through a Goodreads Giveaway to facilitate writing this review. No other compensation was offered or requested. Following the events of the previous book, In the Belly of Jonah, mine operator Liv Bergen is mostly healed up, but taking the last… Continue reading Book Review: Lot’s Return to Sodom
Book Review: The Complete Western Stories of Elmore Leonard
Book Review: The Complete Western Stories of Elmore Leonard by Elmore Leonard Elmore John Leonard Jr. (1925-2013) started his career as a professional writer by producing short Western stories for the pulp magazines. According to the introduction, Mr. Leonard’s first attempt was not very good and was rejected, whereupon he decided that next time he… Continue reading Book Review: The Complete Western Stories of Elmore Leonard
Magazine Review: Saucy Romantic Adventures August 1936
Magazine Review: Saucy Romantic Adventures August 1936 by various This was one of the “spicy” pulp magazines, sold “under the counter” to readers wanting something more titillating than the standard action fare. By modern standards, this is pretty tame stuff, mostly consisting of descriptions of women’s naked bodies (minus genitalia) and strong hints that the… Continue reading Magazine Review: Saucy Romantic Adventures August 1936
Book Review: Classic American Short Stories
Book Review: Classic American Short Stories compiled by Michael Kelahan This book is more or less exactly what it says in the title, a compilation of short(ish) stories written by American authors, most of which are acknowledged as classics by American Lit professors. The stories are arranged by author in roughly chronological order from the… Continue reading Book Review: Classic American Short Stories
Magazine Review: The Blueroad Reader: Stardust and Fate
Magazine Review: The Blueroad Reader: Stardust and Fate edited by John Gaterud Yes, this is yet another literary magazine; I picked up a bunch inexpensively at the book fair. This one seems to take its title from Jack Kerouac’s writing; this first issue was published in 2007. The index is unusual for this kind of… Continue reading Magazine Review: The Blueroad Reader: Stardust and Fate
Book Review: Cowman’s Jack-Pot
Book Review: Cowman’s Jack-Pot by Frank C. Robertson (Also published as Greener Grows the Grass) Chet Calder has spent eight years in the East. Now the death of his father Dave Calder, and the crash of the stock market mean that there’s nothing left but the DC ranch. On the stage into Calder City, Chet… Continue reading Book Review: Cowman’s Jack-Pot
Book Review: Peril by Ponytail
Book Review: Peril by Ponytail by Nancy J Cohen Disclaimer: I received this book as a Goodreads giveaway on the premise that I would review it. No other compensation was involved. Also, this is an advance uncorrected proof, and there will be some changes in the final product. (Such as fixing the typo on the… Continue reading Book Review: Peril by Ponytail
Book Review: Aeroplane Boys on a Cattle Ranch
Book Review: Aeroplane Boys on a Cattle Ranch by John Luther Langworthy Construction on the new high school is going slowly, so classes won’t start for another two months. Don’t worry, cousins Frank and Andy Bird will not be bored. It seems the two young aviators have been invited to spend their extra… Continue reading Book Review: Aeroplane Boys on a Cattle Ranch