Comic Book Review: I Hate Fairyland Volume 3: Good Girl by Skottie Young Fairyland has a system for dealing with its visitors. Each child is assigned a guide and told to seek out the key to the door home. The visitor goes on an adventure, usually a chain of fetch quests, obtains the key and… Continue reading Comic Book Review: I Hate Fairyland Volume 3: Good Girl
Tag: conventions
Open Thread: Minicon 54
Open Thread: Minicon 54 My involvement with Minicon started early this annum, as I was approached by one of the co-chairs about becoming head of Programming. Citing my entire lack of managerial experience and continued inability to organize, I declined. But I did agree to help the Programming department out. I pitched a bunch of… Continue reading Open Thread: Minicon 54
Book Review: Lot’s Return to Sodom
Book Review: Lot’s Return to Sodom by Sandra Brannan Disclaimer: I received a download of this book through a Goodreads Giveaway to facilitate writing this review. No other compensation was offered or requested. Following the events of the previous book, In the Belly of Jonah, mine operator Liv Bergen is mostly healed up, but taking the last… Continue reading Book Review: Lot’s Return to Sodom
Open Thread: Minicon 53
Open Thread: Minicon 53 As noted in my previous con reports, Minicon is a yearly science fiction convention set on Easter weekend. While Minicon 50 was a few years ago, this year is the closest to the Fiftieth Anniversary of the first Minicon, so it had the subtitle of “The Pedantic One.” This year the… Continue reading Open Thread: Minicon 53
Manga Review: Comic Party Vol. 5
Manga Review: Comic Party Vol. 5 by Sekihiko Inui Note: This review contains SPOILERS for earlier volumes and the video game. Kazuki Sendō is a mediocre college student who is somewhat adrift in life as his talent was deemed insufficient to qualify for art school. His buddy Taishi Kuhonbutsu invites Kazuki to come along to… Continue reading Manga Review: Comic Party Vol. 5
Open Thread: Minicon 52
Open Thread: Minicon 52 I was fortunate enough to attend the 2017 iteration of this venerable science fiction convention thanks to the generosity of another member. As usual, Minicon was held over Easter weekend at the Bloomington Doubletree (known as the RadiShTree to longtimers.) This may or may not be the last year at… Continue reading Open Thread: Minicon 52
Book Review: Superheroes
Book Review: Superheroes edited by Rich Horton Superheroes as we know them more or less started in the comic books of the late 1930s, with the most obvious first “true” superhero being Superman. And comic books have largely shaped our perceptions of costumed superheroes ever since. But sometimes prose is a perfectly acceptable way of… Continue reading Book Review: Superheroes
Open Thread: Webcomics You Might Enjoy
Open Thread: Webcomics You Might Enjoy Over the holiday weekend, I went to ConVergence 2016 in Bloomington, a yearly science fiction convention. One of the panels I was on was “Web Comics”, during which we discussed many webcomics that panelists and audience members have enjoyed. As promised, here’s a list combining the handout by Kathryn… Continue reading Open Thread: Webcomics You Might Enjoy
Open Thread: Minicon 51 Report
Open Thread: Minicon 51 Report For those of you new to this blog, Minicon is the Easter weekend science fiction convention put on by MN-StF every year. I’ve been going to it for somewhere around three decades now, and this year was no exception. Once again it was at the RadiShTree (Bloomington Doubletree) hotel, and… Continue reading Open Thread: Minicon 51 Report
Open Thread: Minicon 50 Report
Over the Easter weekend, I went to Minicon, the Minnesota Scientifiction Society’s yearly convention. This was the 50th convention, although not the fiftieth year, as a couple times early on it was held twice yearly. To mark the milestone, the convention ran four days instead of the usual three, and had a whole bunch of… Continue reading Open Thread: Minicon 50 Report