Book Review: Thrilling Adventure Yarns 2025

Cover by Jeffrey Ray Hayes, illustrating "ESPD." The distressing is part of the cover design.

Book Review: Thrilling Adventure Yarns 2025 edited by Robert Greenberger Disclaimer: I contributed to the Kickstarter for this book. A lesser known aspect of pulp fandom is the creation of new stories in the tradition of the pulp magazines of old, action-packed and exciting. Thus this series of books which feature modern authors trying their… Continue reading Book Review: Thrilling Adventure Yarns 2025

Magazine Review: Fantasy Tales Autumn 1989

Cover by Angus McKie

Magazine Review: Fantasy Tales Autumn 1989 edited by Stephen Jones Fantasy Tales was a British fantasy and horror magazine that ran from 1977-1991, though since it only published twice a year that’s not a huge number of issues (24). It was modeled after the classic pulp Weird Tales, and had a high percentage of notable… Continue reading Magazine Review: Fantasy Tales Autumn 1989

Magazine Review: Analog Science Fiction & Fact January/February 2024

Cover art by Julie Dillon

Magazine Review: Analog Science Fiction & Fact January/February 2024 edited by Trevor Quachri Let’s look at a recent issue of this long-running science fiction (and fact) magazine. The opening editorial by Howard V. Hendrix, “Machines Passing for People Passing for Machines”, which among other things discusses the Turing Test, where a simulated person tries to… Continue reading Magazine Review: Analog Science Fiction & Fact January/February 2024

Comic Book Review: DC Special No. 23: Green Arrow

Comic Book Review: DC Special No. 23: Green Arrow edited by Len Wein Green Arrow was created by Mort Weisinger and George Papp for More Fun Comics #73 in 1941. Oliver “Ollie” Queen was originally an old-money anthropologist with a special interest in Native American cultures, who’d learned archery from the tribes he was studying.… Continue reading Comic Book Review: DC Special No. 23: Green Arrow

Comic Book Review: Cthulhu Is Hard to Spell

Comic Book Review: Cthulhu Is Hard to Spell edited by Russell Nohelty I hope you’re not tired of Lovecraftian cosmic horror yet, because I’ve got more to come. In this case, it’s an anthology of Cthulhu Mythos-related comics, focused on the “gods” of that cycle, and new critters that fit in with that theme. Despite… Continue reading Comic Book Review: Cthulhu Is Hard to Spell

Book Review: Envy and the Geek

Book Review: Envy and the Geek by Natalie Falkenwrath “Hey, so there was this really cool show, High School Bites, about teen vampires, ten years, maybe it was fifteen years ago? Man, I’m getting old. Anyhow, it was one of those teen dramas on the CW or the WB, doubt it was the Disney Channel.… Continue reading Book Review: Envy and the Geek

Magazine Review: Fantastic August 1969

Magazine Review: Fantastic August 1969 edited by Sol Cohen The opening editorial is by Ted White, the new managing editor. He talks about the decline in “fiction magazines” (the Saturday Evening Post had recently ceased publication for the first time) and is sad, but points out that times are always changing. He also mentions his… Continue reading Magazine Review: Fantastic August 1969

Manga Review: Chibi Vampire Airmail

Sister Rosary and Karin. They do not actually meet in this volume.

Manga Review: Chibi Vampire Airmail by Yuna Kagesaki Karin Maaka is descended from a long line of vampires. That’s supposed to be a secret as vampires want the world (and especially the Catholic Church’s vampire hunters) to believe they were all wiped out decades ago. Her parents, the Markers, moved to Japan with most of… Continue reading Manga Review: Chibi Vampire Airmail

Open Thread: ConVergence 2021 Report

Open Thread: ConVergence 2021 Report Those of you who’ve met me are aware that my introversion is almost at hermit levels, and this last year only amplified that. But I do enjoy a small amount of social interaction, and the lack of conventions wore on me. So when it was announced that the 2021 version… Continue reading Open Thread: ConVergence 2021 Report

Manga Review: Rin-Ne Volumes 36 & 37

Manga Review: Rin-Ne Volumes 36 & 37 by Rumiko Takahashi Quick recap: Rinne Rokudo is a human-shinigami (death spirit) crossbreed who works as a psychopomp, delivering lost spirits to the afterlife. Due to unfortunate circumstances, Rinne is very poor and never seems to get ahead. Rinne’s closest allies are his black cat familiar Rokumon, and… Continue reading Manga Review: Rin-Ne Volumes 36 & 37