Comic Book Review: Jim Henson’s Fraggle Rock by various creators Fraggle Rock was a children’s television series that ran from 1983-1987, created by Jim Henson and primarily featuring his trademark Muppets of various sorts. The Fraggles live in a series of connected caves collectively called “Fraggle Rock.” Largely carefree creatures, the Fraggles spend much of… Continue reading Comic Book Review: Jim Henson’s Fraggle Rock
Tag: construction crews
Book Review: Behind the Forgotten Front, a WWII Novel
Book Review: Behind the Forgotten Front, a WWII Novel by Barbara Hawkins Like many red-blooded American men after Pearl Harbor, Lieutenant Harry Flynn joined the Army to fight the enemy directly. But the Army has a lot of jobs to fill, and his excellent handwriting gets Harry posted as a supply officer in a backwater… Continue reading Book Review: Behind the Forgotten Front, a WWII Novel