Manga Review: Ooku by Fumi Yoshinaga In an alternate history version of Japan, disaster strikes during the reign of Shogun Iemitsu (circa 1630). A plague that becomes known as the “red-face pox” sweeps the islands, with a fatality rate of 80% among boys and young men. Within a couple of years, the gender imbalance among… Continue reading Manga Review: Ooku
Tag: children
Anime Review: Matchless Raijin-Oh
The fifth-dimensional Jaku Empire (literally, “the Evil Empire”) has decided to conquer the third dimension, starting with Earth. Good thing Earth has a powerful guardian spirit named Eldoran. Or perhaps we should say had a powerful guardian spirit, as Eldoran blocks the invaders’ one-shot superweapon at the cost of crippling himself to a near-death state. Eldoran… Continue reading Anime Review: Matchless Raijin-Oh
Manga Review: Ikigami: The Ultimate Limit
Manga Review: Ikigami: The Ultimate Limit by Motoro Mase In an alternate-history Japan, the government immunizes all children as they enter first grade. But one in every thousand injection also contains a nanocapsule that lodges in the child’s heart. and somewhere between age 18 and 24, will activate and stop that heart. There’s a triple-blind… Continue reading Manga Review: Ikigami: The Ultimate Limit
Anime Review: Kobato
Anime Review: Kobato A young woman named Kobato appears in the city, bereft of memory. She is accompanied by a talking stuffed dog toy named Iorogi (Kobato always mispronounces it as Ioryogi.) It seems that Kobato has a wish she needs to fulfill by healing a number of human hearts, and only has four seasons… Continue reading Anime Review: Kobato
Webtoon Review: Mother Up
Webtoon Review: Mother Up This is another “Hulu Original” animated series, with the first season running 13 episodes. Rudi Wilson (Eva Longoria) is a high-flying, hard-partying executive for a major music label. She’s living in the fast lane until a scandal erupts. Rather than take the fall for it and get fired, Rudi publicly resigns… Continue reading Webtoon Review: Mother Up