Book Review: Thrilling Adventure Yarns 2025

Cover by Jeffrey Ray Hayes, illustrating "ESPD." The distressing is part of the cover design.

Book Review: Thrilling Adventure Yarns 2025 edited by Robert Greenberger Disclaimer: I contributed to the Kickstarter for this book. A lesser known aspect of pulp fandom is the creation of new stories in the tradition of the pulp magazines of old, action-packed and exciting. Thus this series of books which feature modern authors trying their… Continue reading Book Review: Thrilling Adventure Yarns 2025

Manga Review: Orochi the Perfect Edition Vol. 4

Manga Review: Orochi the Perfect Edition Vol. 4 by Kazuo Umezz Quick recap: Orochi appears to be an ordinary, generically pretty young woman, but is actually a seemingly ageless being with vaguely defined supernatural powers. She has a gift for spotting people who are going to have interesting things happen to them and following their… Continue reading Manga Review: Orochi the Perfect Edition Vol. 4

Movie Review: Beast from Haunted Cave

Gypsy and Gil bond at the top of the ski lift.

Movie Review: Beast from Haunted Cave (1959) directed by Monte Hellman Deadwood, South Dakota may have had a wild reputation back in the day, but in modern times, it’s a quiet tourist town. It’s the sort of place you might go for a ski vacation if your budget doesn’t run to Aspen. And that’s why entrepreneur… Continue reading Movie Review: Beast from Haunted Cave

Comic Strip Review: Digger Volume One

Comic Strip Review: Digger Volume One by Ursula Vernon Digger of Unnecessarily Convoluted Tunnels, “Digger” if you’re not being formal, is a wombat. In her world, wombats are an intelligent bipedal species which otherwise resemble Earth’s wombats. Digger’s primary job is being a tunneler, but when we meet her, she no longer remembers where her… Continue reading Comic Strip Review: Digger Volume One

Book Review: The Game Master’s Book of Random Encounters

Book Review: The Game Master’s Book of Random Encounters by Jeff Ashworth I’ve been a fan of the various iterations of Dungeons and Dragons since 1979, when I first encountered people who played the game. While my involvement has waxed and waned over the years, I still enjoy reading the game products. One of the… Continue reading Book Review: The Game Master’s Book of Random Encounters

Manga Review: Orochi the Perfect Edition Vol. 3

Manga Review: Orochi the Perfect Edition Vol. 3 by Kazuo Umezz Quick recap: Orochi is a mysterious, seemingly unageing woman with vaguely-defined supernatural abilities. She wanders around Japan observing bizarre occurrences in humans’ lives, and sometimes interfering in them. As of yet, we know nothing of her own past or why she does what she… Continue reading Manga Review: Orochi the Perfect Edition Vol. 3

Movie Review: The Return of Dracula (1958)

Dracula's coffin is not well-ventilated.

Movie Review: The Return of Dracula (1958) directed by Paul Landres It is a known fact that Count Dracula (Francis Lederer) is a real person, a vampire who drains the blood of the living and creates others of his kind. He’s been terrorizing central Europe for decades, evading attempts to permanently destroy him. At the beginning… Continue reading Movie Review: The Return of Dracula (1958)

Webtoon Review: Disenchantment Seasons 4-5

Bean and Mora get a little careless about motorcycle safety.

Webtoon Review: Disenchantment Seasons 4-5 Note: This review contains SPOILERS for Seasons 1-3. If you’re sensitive to that, you may want to check out my earlier reviews first. Quick recap: Rambunctious princess (and for a while queen) Bean and her friends, wimpy half-elf Elfo and tempter demon Luci, have gone through many adventures together in… Continue reading Webtoon Review: Disenchantment Seasons 4-5

Book Review: Scarecrow

Book Review: Scarecrow edited by Rhonda Parrish This anthology is part of the “Magical Menageries” series, each volume focusing on a different type of critter. A previous volume, Corvidae, dealt with crows of various types. Thus it’s not surprising that there’s a collection featuring their archenemies. While the aesthetic of humanoid beings of straw lends… Continue reading Book Review: Scarecrow

TV Review: Seven Swordsmen

Master Shadowglow sets some high expectations.

TV Review: Seven Swordsmen aka “Seven Swords Descend from Mount Heaven” In 17th Century China, the Qing Dynasty now rules where once the Ming Dynasty did. Many Han resent their new Manchu overlords and pockets of rebellion are everywhere. To help quell the resistance, the Qing have banned the practice of martial arts by ordinary… Continue reading TV Review: Seven Swordsmen