Book Review: Stitched Up: The Anti-Capitalist Book of Fashion

Book Review: Stitched Up: The Anti-Capitalist Book of Fashion by Tansy E Hoskins Disclaimer:  I received this book through a Goodreads giveaway on the premise that I would review it. Fashion…isn’t something I notice a lot.  I buy clothes when I have to, and try to wear matching socks, but I don’t know a lot… Continue reading Book Review: Stitched Up: The Anti-Capitalist Book of Fashion

Book Review: Thanks for the Feedback

Book Review: Thanks for the Feedback by Douglas Stone & Sheila Heen Disclaimer:  I received this book as a Goodreads giveaway on the premise that I would review it.  Also, the version I read was an Advance Readers’ Copy and some changes may be made in the final version. We’ve all been there.  You go… Continue reading Book Review: Thanks for the Feedback

Giveaway: Autumn Giveaway (Ends September 30, 2013)

This giveaway has now ended.  Congratulations to the winner, who will receive an ARC of “Hen of the Baskervilles!” There’s a chill in the air as fall approaches–time to warm up with a book! This time the prize is one of seven books that I’ve recently reviewed: Beneath the Bleak New Moon by Debra Purdy… Continue reading Giveaway: Autumn Giveaway (Ends September 30, 2013)

Book Review: Conquering the Chaos

Book Review: Conquering the Chaos by Ravi Venkatesan Disclaimer:  I received this book from the publisher in a Goodreads giveaway on the premise that I would review it. This book is subtitled “win in India, win everywhere” and part of its message is that a multinational company that learns how to compete in India will… Continue reading Book Review: Conquering the Chaos

Anime Review: [C] The Money of Soul and Possibility

Anime Review: [C] The Money of Soul and Possibility Kimimaro Yoga is an impoverished college student, bitter about the suicide of his father, which he sees as abandonment, and working hard to make sure he has a financially stable future.  One day he is approached by a being called Masakaki and offered a deal.  If… Continue reading Anime Review: [C] The Money of Soul and Possibility

Book Review: Brandwashed

Book Review: Brandwashed: How Marketers and Advertisers Obscure the Truth, Manipulate Our Minds, and Persuade Us to Buy by Martin Lindstrom. Disclaimer: I got this book through the Goodreads giveaway program on the expectation I would write a review. My copy is an uncorrected proof, and minor changes (possibly major changes to the final chapter)… Continue reading Book Review: Brandwashed