Magazine Review: National Geographic July 1981

Magazine Review: National Geographic July 1981 edited by Wilbur E. Garrett National Geographic was originally titled The National Geographic Magazine when it was first published in 1888. It was the scholarly journal of the National Geographic Society. In 1905, it began including photographs to go with the articles, and began sometimes having color photographs in… Continue reading Magazine Review: National Geographic July 1981

Movie Review: The Miracle Rider

Movie Review: The Miracle Rider It is 1935 in the Panhandle area of Texas, home to the Ravenhead Tribe Indian Reservation.    The Ravenheads are a peaceful, hardworking tribe.  Sadly, their land is secretly situated on top of the largest deposit of X-94, an ore with tremendous explosive power, in the world.  Somehow, a white… Continue reading Movie Review: The Miracle Rider