Book Review: Swords for Charlemagne

Book Review: Swords for Charlemagne by Mario Pei For seven long years, brother knights Thierry and Huon of Anjou have served their liege lord Roland of Brittany in Emperor Charlemagne’s war to free Spain of Islamic rule. They are proud to have done their bit for chivalry and Christendom. Now, only one Moslem stronghold remains,… Continue reading Book Review: Swords for Charlemagne

Book Review: The Diamond Cave Mystery

Book Review: The Diamond Cave Mystery by Troy Nesbit Chuck Bennett’s father runs the Trading Post near Carlsbad, New Mexico, home of the famous Carlsbad Caverns. Being out in the sticks, Chuck doesn’t normally have kids his own age (fifteen) to hang out with, but this summer he’s joined by Hal Cassidy, son of oil… Continue reading Book Review: The Diamond Cave Mystery

Magazine Review: The Phantom Detective September 1935

Magazine Review: The Phantom Detective September 1935 Quick recap: The Phantom is Richard Curtis Van Loan, a wealthy man-about-town. While he started fighting crime out of boredom and a chance to get thrills, he soon developed a burning hatred of crime and major criminals that allow him to carry on a crusade. A master of… Continue reading Magazine Review: The Phantom Detective September 1935

Manga Review: Sayonara, Football #1

Manga Review: Sayonara, Football #1 by Naoshi Arakawa Fourteen year old Nozomi Onda has the best technical skills on her school’s soccer team. She trains harder than any of the other members, and has a true passion for the sport. But since her school doesn’t have a girls’ soccer team, Nozomi had to join the… Continue reading Manga Review: Sayonara, Football #1

Magazine Review: Ellery Queen’s Mystery Magazine August 1953

Magazine Review: Ellery Queen’s Mystery Magazine August 1953 edited by Ellery Queen If you’re not picky about condition, you can find a lot of cool old magazines for very reasonable prices, like say a dollar for this 1950s EQMM. At this time, editor Frederic Dannay still used his pen name of Ellery Queen on the… Continue reading Magazine Review: Ellery Queen’s Mystery Magazine August 1953

Comic Strip Review: High Moon: Bullet Holes and Bite Marks

Comic Strip Review: High Moon: Bullet Holes and Bite Marks written by David Gallaher, art by Steve Ellis It is summer 1890, and there have been 100 days since the town of Blest, Texas has seen rain. Drought is bad enough, but cattle have been going missing, and now a little girl as well. The… Continue reading Comic Strip Review: High Moon: Bullet Holes and Bite Marks

Book Review: The Sorcerer’s Apprentice

Book Review: The Sorcerer’s Apprentice edited by Jack Zipes Most likely, when you saw this title, you immediately thought of the Fantasia sequence with Mickey Mouse, or perhaps the more recent Disney film with Nicolas Cage. But the multiplying of brooms is only one aspect of the tales gathered under the general title of “The… Continue reading Book Review: The Sorcerer’s Apprentice

Comic Book Review: Superman Smashes the Klan 1

Comic Book Review: Superman Smashes the Klan 1 written by Gene Luen Yang, art by Gurihiru It’s 1946 in the city of Metropolis, and times are changing fast in this post-War world. The Lee family is moving from the isolated neighborhood of Chinatown to the heart of the city, the first Chinese family to live… Continue reading Comic Book Review: Superman Smashes the Klan 1

Magazine Review: Strange Tales September 1931

Magazine Review: Strange Tales September 1931 edited by Harry Bates Strange Tales was published as a direct competitor to Weird Tales, the top fantastic/occult story pulp magazine of the time, starting with this issue in 1931. It had more of an action slant to its editorial policy as compared to the more idea-heavy stories of… Continue reading Magazine Review: Strange Tales September 1931

Manga Review: Batman & the Justice League Vol. 2

Manga Review: Batman & the Justice League Vol. 2 by Shiori Teshi Batman is a popular, but niche character in Japan. A fair number of manga creators are big fans of Batman and his various incarnations, so every so often a licensed Batman manga appears. The big difference this time is that other superheroes are… Continue reading Manga Review: Batman & the Justice League Vol. 2