Book Review: Nettle & Bone

Book Review: Nettle & Bone by T. Kingfisher We open in media res as Marra, age thirty, tries to make a dog from bones and wire in a cursed land inhabited by cannibals. Some of whom are quite nice, really–just don’t eat anything they offer you. It’s damaging her hands something fierce, but then impossible… Continue reading Book Review: Nettle & Bone

Book Review: Land of Terror

Book Review: Land of Terror by Edgar Rice Burroughs The Pellucidar books were Edgar Rice Burrough’s third big book series after Tarzan and Barsoom. They use the Hollow Earth premise that our home planet is not solid inside, but has another land upside-down to the surface which can be accessed by holes at the poles… Continue reading Book Review: Land of Terror

Book Review: Fantastic Flops

Book Review: Fantastic Flops edited by Prof. Christopher McGlothlin, M.Ed. Disclaimer: I contributed to the Kickstarter for this book. Despite the best efforts of producers, directors, writers, actors and all the varied crew members who work on them, sometimes movies don’t do well enough to be considered successful. Maybe they’re just bad, or had terrible… Continue reading Book Review: Fantastic Flops

Book Review: The Horrors of Anime

Book Review: The Horrors of Anime by Mark McPherson As an anime fan myself, I can assure you that there is truly awesome Japanese animation out there that I would wholeheartedly recommend to nearly everyone. There are also good anime, okay anime, mediocre anime (quite a large chunk of the field if I’m being honest),… Continue reading Book Review: The Horrors of Anime

Book Review: Godzilla and Godzilla Raids Again

Book Review: Godzilla and Godzilla Raids Again by Shigeru Kayama As you might have noticed from past reviews on this blog, I’m a pretty big fan of Japan’s greatest daikaiju, Godzilla. I’ve seen almost all the movies and TV shows, as well as read the comic book adaptations. But I was unaware that Shigeru Kayama,… Continue reading Book Review: Godzilla and Godzilla Raids Again

Book Review: Apprentice Storm Mage

Cover by Noah Elowyn

Book Review: Apprentice Storm Mage by Douglas Van Dyke Jr. Disclaimer: I received this book in an author giveaway for the purposes of this review. No other compensation was requested or received. Thomena is thirteen, an apprentice mage at the Brotherhood of the Circles Mages Guild. She’s very gifted, and is doing well with water… Continue reading Book Review: Apprentice Storm Mage

Book Review: The Wide Wide Sea

Book Review: The Wide Wide Sea by Hampton Sides (Disclaimer: I received this book through a Goodreads Giveaway for the purpose of writing this review. No other compensation was offered or received.) Captain James Cook of the British Royal Navy led three exploratory missions, the last of which launched in 1776 and returned in 1780.… Continue reading Book Review: The Wide Wide Sea

Book Review: God Gave Rock and Roll to You

Book Review: God Gave Rock and Roll to You by Leah Payne Disclaimer: I received a copy of this book through a Goodreads giveaway for the purpose of writing this review. No other compensation was offered or received. For a generation, the dominant form of religious music in the North American market was “Contemporary Christian… Continue reading Book Review: God Gave Rock and Roll to You

Book Review: The Saracen Blade

Cover by James Mooso

Book Review: The Saracen Blade by Frank Yerby The Holy Roman Emperor Frederick II was born in Jesi, Italy in 1194. But another child was born on that day in that place. Pietro, son of Donati the armorer and his lovely wife Maria, was delivered by one of the same midwives as she’d gone into… Continue reading Book Review: The Saracen Blade

Book Review: Cooked to Death

Book Review: Cooked to Death edited by Rhonda Gilliland and Michael Allan Mallory Let’s return to the world of themed anthologies, a quick way to get a sample of various authors writing on a particular topic. In this case, it’s primarily Minnesota and other Midwestern writers doing crime and mystery short stories around the topic… Continue reading Book Review: Cooked to Death