Book Review: The Rise of Io

Book Review: The Rise of Io by Wesley Chu Note: This review contains SPOILERS for the previous Tao trilogy, of which I have previously reviewed The Deaths of Tao. It has been a decade since the end of the Alien World War, when nations under the influence of either the Genjix or Prophus factions of… Continue reading Book Review: The Rise of Io

Book Review: The Beast with Five Fingers

Book Review: The Beast with Five Fingers by W.F. Harvey W.F. Harvey (1885-1937) was born in Yorkshire, of Quaker family, and became a doctor. However, his health was poor and he was often unable to practice, so he wrote short stories on the side, many of them falling generally into the “weird” category. This volume… Continue reading Book Review: The Beast with Five Fingers

Book Review: Murder on the Titania

Book Review: Murder on the Titania by Alex Acks Colonel Geoffrey Douglas is experiencing a lot of stress recently. He’s just gotten a new job as chief of security for the Grand Duke of Denver, and his first task is to ensure that the jewelry made for the Grand Duke’s daughter’s wedding gets safely from… Continue reading Book Review: Murder on the Titania

Book Review: Your Crystal Ball Is Whacked

Book Review: Your Crystal Ball Is Whacked by Nancy Stevens Sometimes, the crystal ball goes dark and you cannot see a future. Whether it’s due to horrible circumstances in your life, a bout of physical illness upsetting your mind, or mental illness, your ability to see beyond the present and its troubles is broken. Nevertheless,… Continue reading Book Review: Your Crystal Ball Is Whacked

Book Review: The Mystery of the Timber Giant

Book Review: The Mystery of the Timber Giant by Fran Striker Tom Quest, teen adventurer, and his newspaper columnist friend Whiz Walton are at the San Francisco airport to see Tom’s scientist father Dr. Hamilton Quest off on a vacation to Hawaii. Once done with that, they’ll be off on their own flight to Texas.… Continue reading Book Review: The Mystery of the Timber Giant

Book Review: Zeus Grants Stupid Wishes: A No-Bullshit Guide to World Mythology

Book Review: Zeus Grants Stupid Wishes: A No-Bullshit Guide to World Mythology by Cory O’Brien Our modern world is built, among other things, on the mythology of the past. The stories of how the world came to be, where people came from, and the foibles of the gods are deep in our cultural DNA. But… Continue reading Book Review: Zeus Grants Stupid Wishes: A No-Bullshit Guide to World Mythology

Book Review: Didi Dodo, Future Spy: Recipe for Disaster

Book Review: Didi Dodo, Future Spy: Recipe for Disaster words by Tom Angleberger, art by Jared Chapman Disclaimer: I received an Uncorrected Proof through a Goodreads giveaway for the purpose of writing this review. No other compensation was requested or offered. As an uncorrected proof, there may be changes in the final product–in particular, some… Continue reading Book Review: Didi Dodo, Future Spy: Recipe for Disaster

Book Review: Looking for Humboldt & Searching for German Footprints in New Mexico and Beyond

Book Review: Looking for Humboldt & Searching for German Footprints in New Mexico and Beyond by Erika Schelby The author is a German immigrant to New Mexico. While studying the history of her new state, she learned that Alexander von Humboldt (1769-1859), the famous Prussian naturalist and explorer, had passed through what would become New… Continue reading Book Review: Looking for Humboldt & Searching for German Footprints in New Mexico and Beyond

Book Review: The Storm Lord

Book Review: The Storm Lord by Tanith Lee Raldnor has long known he was different from the other children in his Southlands village. They are fair-skinned, he has dark skin. They can speak mind-to-mind to supplement their words, he appears to be mind-deaf and mute. They seem unruled by their loins, while Raldnor has entire… Continue reading Book Review: The Storm Lord

Book Review: The Vessel of Ra

Book Review: The Vessel of Ra by Catherine Schaff-Stump It is October 1837, and the acqua alta, the fall flooding, has come to Venice. Lucy Klareon has also come to Venice, as part of her Grand Tour, but she doesn’t plan to leave in the usual way. For on her sixteenth birthday, October 31st, All Hallows Eve, Lucy must do battle… Continue reading Book Review: The Vessel of Ra