Magazine Review: Analog Science Fiction Science Fact June 1969

Cover art by Leo Summers

Magazine Review: Analog Science Fiction Science Fact June 1969 edited by John W. Campbell The editorial for this issue of the venerable science fiction magazine talks about two “elegant solutions” to technical problems, the first one being a better spacesuit, and the other being a better microphone. Neither of these notions worked out in real… Continue reading Magazine Review: Analog Science Fiction Science Fact June 1969

Magazine Review: Analog Science Fiction & Fact January/February 2024

Cover art by Julie Dillon

Magazine Review: Analog Science Fiction & Fact January/February 2024 edited by Trevor Quachri Let’s look at a recent issue of this long-running science fiction (and fact) magazine. The opening editorial by Howard V. Hendrix, “Machines Passing for People Passing for Machines”, which among other things discusses the Turing Test, where a simulated person tries to… Continue reading Magazine Review: Analog Science Fiction & Fact January/February 2024

TV Review: Star Trek the Animated Series

Lieutenant M'ress reports for duty.

TV Review: Star Trek the Animated Series In a future where humanity did not succeed in destroying itself, but instead learned to live together in peace (after a few more world wars) and then went to space to explore strange new worlds, meet interesting life forms (and sometimes peacefully interact with them) and boldly go… Continue reading TV Review: Star Trek the Animated Series

Magazine Review: Worlds of If August 1973

"Astronauts on Deimos" by David A. Hardy. Not illustrating any of the interior stories.

Magazine Review: Worlds of If August 1973 edited by Ejier Jakobsson This issue of the magazine also known as “If” opens with the “Hue and Cry” letter column. One reader was especially impressed with the negative review Lester del Rey gave of a book on cloning, which taught the reader something to look for in… Continue reading Magazine Review: Worlds of If August 1973

Book Review: The Pocket Book of Science Fiction

Book Review: The Pocket Book of Science Fiction edited by Donald A. Wollheim In the introduction to this 1943 anthology, Donald A. Wollheim talks about “the theory of outrageous hypotheses” which helps science progress by asking, “this is not true but what if?” These ten stories are most assuredly fictional, but point to places to… Continue reading Book Review: The Pocket Book of Science Fiction

Comic Book Review: The Clandestinauts

Comic Book Review: The Clandestinauts  by Tim Sievert The Clandestinauts are adventurers for hire in a harsh fantasy world.   Currently, they are tasked with retrieving an item in the possession of the mysterious Red Wizard.  To do so, they’ll have to penetrate his fortress lair, evade or slay his many minions and monsters, make a side… Continue reading Comic Book Review: The Clandestinauts

Book Review: The Fourth Galaxy Reader

Book Review: The Fourth Galaxy Reader edited by H.L. Gold Galaxy Magazine had a decent run with a lot of good stories, so it’s not surprising that even this fourth collection of fifteen science fiction reprints from the 1950s has a strong selection.  (I recognized almost all of these!)  There’s an introduction which runs down inferior… Continue reading Book Review: The Fourth Galaxy Reader

Book Review: Tiger by the Tail

Book Review: Tiger by the Tail by Alan E. Nourse Alan E. Nourse (1928-1992) was a medical doctor and science fiction/fact author.  His professional training often showed in his stories, perhaps best exemplified by the novel Star Surgeon.  He also wrote The Bladerunner, about a dystopian future where medical care is rationed.  Hollywood optioned the title and… Continue reading Book Review: Tiger by the Tail

Magazine Review: Galaxy Science Fiction July 1951

Cover by Willer

Magazine Review: Galaxy Science Fiction July 1951 edited by H.L. Gold Galaxy lasted from 1950 to 1980 as a digest-sized science fiction magazine.  Originally published by an Italian firm trying to break into the American market, the magazine was noted for its emphasis on stories about social issues and its comparatively sedate covers.  (“Fourth of… Continue reading Magazine Review: Galaxy Science Fiction July 1951

Book Review: The Book of Andre Norton

Book Review: The Book of Andre Norton edited by Roger Elwood Andre Alice Norton (1912-2005) was a prolific author,  best known for her science fiction and fantasy novels marketed to the young adult sector.  (I’ve previously reviewed her 1960 book Storm Over Warlock.)  Her output of short fiction was much less, but enough good stories were… Continue reading Book Review: The Book of Andre Norton