Movie Review: Mark of the Vampire

Count Mora and Luna descend the stairs in the abandoned castle.

Movie Review: Mark of the Vampire (1935) directed by Tod Browning (also released as “Vampires of Prague”) Czechoslovakia, 1934, near the city of Prague. It is growing dark, but in the inn run by a local fellow (Michael Visaroff), two English travelers want to be on their way. The innkeeper warns that vampires roam these parts… Continue reading Movie Review: Mark of the Vampire

Movie Review: The Black Cat (1934)

The old friends are so thrilled to see each other again.

Movie Review: The Black Cat (1934) directed by Edgar G. Ulmer Mystery writer Paul Alison (David Manners) and his bride Joan (Julie Bishop) are spending their honeymoon in Hungary, starting with a private compartment on the Orient Express. As so often happens, the railway company accidentally double-booked their compartment with a courtly but somewhat sinister-seeming middle-aged… Continue reading Movie Review: The Black Cat (1934)

Movie Review: The Gorilla (1939)

The detectives are immediately suspicious of Peters, the butler.

Movie Review: The Gorilla (1939) directed by Allan Dwan The partners in the Acme Detective Agency, Garrity (Jimmy Ritz), Harrigan (Harry Ritz), and Mulligan (Al Ritz) have not been particularly successful so far, but somehow they’ve landed a big case. It seems that insurance company executive Walter Stevens (Lionel Atwill) has received a death threat from… Continue reading Movie Review: The Gorilla (1939)

Movie Review: Bela Lugosi Meets a Brooklyn Gorilla

Sammy with a gorilla that he's just figured out isn't Duke.

Bela Lugosi Meets a Brooklyn Gorilla dir. William Beaudine Crooner Duke Mitchell (himself) and comedian Sammy Petrillo (himself) are on their way to a USO performance in Guam when they get lost on their way to the restroom and walk off the airplane. Good thing they were wearing parachutes! The pair land on the tropical… Continue reading Movie Review: Bela Lugosi Meets a Brooklyn Gorilla

Movie Review: The Ape Man (1943)

Dr. Brewster locking himself up for other people's safety.

Movie Review: The Ape Man (1943) directed by William Beaudine Jefferson Carter (Wallace Ford), wise-cracking reporter, is waiting at the docks for a ship to come in. A mysterious fellow (Ralph Littlefield) tips him off that one of the people waiting is Dr. George Randall (Henry Hall), who recently reported his research partner Dr. James Brewster… Continue reading Movie Review: The Ape Man (1943)

Movie Review: White Zombie

Zombie Madeleine attacks!

Movie Review: White Zombie (1932) directed by Victor Halperin Madeleine Short has come to Haiti to join her fiance Neil Parker. On the ship over, she met plantation owner Charles Beaumont, who shortly became her very good friend. Mr. Beaumont offers his fancy mansion as the site of the young couple’s wedding, and is so taken… Continue reading Movie Review: White Zombie

Open Thread: Top Posts of 2016!

Open Thread: Top Posts of 2016! I’m sure you all know how top ten lists work, so let’s get straight into it! Top Ten Posts of 2016 1. Book Review: The Financial Expert 2. Anime Review: Urusei Yatsura 3. Open Thread: Minicon 51 Report 4. Comic Book Review: Batman Deathblow After the Fire 5. Book… Continue reading Open Thread: Top Posts of 2016!