Comic Book Review: Man-Thing by Steve Gerber: The Complete Collection Vol. 1

Comic Book Review: Man-Thing by Steve Gerber: The Complete Collection Vol. 1 by various creators You may have heard a story like this before. A biochemist working for a secret agency develops a chemical that evil people want to steal. They come to his place in the swamp, and he winds up with the serum… Continue reading Comic Book Review: Man-Thing by Steve Gerber: The Complete Collection Vol. 1

Book Review: Class Distinctions Thru History in Review

Book Review: Class Distinctions Thru History in Review by Stephen Joseph Scott Disclaimer: I received a copy of this book from the author for the purpose of writing this review. No other compensation was requested or offered. As long time readers of this blog will know, I’m not myself a historical scholar, just a reader… Continue reading Book Review: Class Distinctions Thru History in Review

Book Review: The Remnants

Book Review: The Remnants by Troy A. Skog The humans and dwarves of Pendar have long disdained their gnomish neighbors to the south. Fast-breeding but weak and disorganized, the gnomes have never been a threat before. But now King Orgle has somehow brought the gnome tribes together as an army which is invading Pendar–and winning!… Continue reading Book Review: The Remnants

Book Review: Swords Against Death

Book Review: Swords Against Death by Fritz Leiber Fafhrd is a tall barbarian from the Northern lands; the Grey Mouser is a relatively short and sneaky fellow who doesn’t know exactly where he was born, but has always lived in cities. They’re best friends, seeking treasure and adventure both in the fabled city of Lankhmar… Continue reading Book Review: Swords Against Death

Book Review: The Avon Fantasy Reader

Book Review: The Avon Fantasy Reader edited by Donald A. Wollheim and George Ernsberger Avon Fantasy Reader was a pulp magazine that reprinted fantasy and science fiction stories for eighteen issues starting in 1946.   It featured some doozies from authors who’d since become well-known, or were classics in their own right.  In 1968, this paperback… Continue reading Book Review: The Avon Fantasy Reader

Book Review: A Storm of Swords

Book Review: A Storm of Swords by George R.R. Martin Note:  This review will contain SPOILERS for the first two volumes in the A Song of Ice and Fire series. The Battle of King’s Landing is over, and the forces loyal to King Joffrey are triumphant.  But the War of Five Kings rages on, with no… Continue reading Book Review: A Storm of Swords

Book Review: The Book of Van Vogt

Cover by Karel Thole

Book Review: The Book of Van Vogt by A.E. van Vogt In 1972, DAW Books was a brand new publishing company started by noted speculative fiction editor Donald A. Wollheim.  Its mission statement was to publish quality science fiction books that had not previously appeared in paperback.  (As opposed to reprinting old books with a… Continue reading Book Review: The Book of Van Vogt

Book Review: A Game of Thrones

Book Review: A Game of Thrones by George R.R. Martin About three centuries ago, the land of Westeros was known as the Seven Kingdoms.  Then Aegon Targaryen and his sisters came from the collapsed civilization of Valyria with their dragons and conquered six of the Kingdoms.  (The seventh Kingdom joined up later semi-voluntarily.)  Eventually, the… Continue reading Book Review: A Game of Thrones

Magazine Review: High Adventure #143: Planet Stories Issue

Magazine Review: High Adventure #143: Planet Stories Issue edited by John P. Gunnison Planet Stories was a science-fiction pulp magazine published between 1939 and 1955; it specialized in interplanetary action and daring-do.  (See my review of Planet Comics, its sister magazine that started publishing about the same time.  Covers tended to the formula of busty, scantily-clad… Continue reading Magazine Review: High Adventure #143: Planet Stories Issue

Book Review: Whetted Bronze

Book Review: Whetted Bronze by Manning Norvil Note:  This is the second book in the “Odan the Half-God” series, so this review will contain spoilers for the first book, Dream Chariots. It is a time before recorded history, when what we call the Mediterranean Sea was fertile land, a basin between the continents.  The cities… Continue reading Book Review: Whetted Bronze