Comic Strip Review: Dick Tracy His Greatest Cases #1: Pruneface by Chester Gould As a popular and long-running comic strip, Dick Tracy has had quite a few collections over the years. This paperback is from a 1970s series that collected particularly favorite plotlines from past years. It’s 1942, and America is at war. Police detective… Continue reading Comic Strip Review: Dick Tracy His Greatest Cases #1: Pruneface
Tag: bad boss
Comic Book Review: Zita the Spacegirl
Comic Book Review: Zita the Spacegirl by Ben Hatke Zita and her friend Joseph are engaging in horseplay in the meadow when then stumble across what appears to be a meteorite crater. Within the crater they find a curious device with a big red button. Zita pushes the button, and Joseph disappears. When Zita gets… Continue reading Comic Book Review: Zita the Spacegirl
Magazine Review: Fantastic Universe October 1955
Magazine Review: Fantastic Universe October 1955 edited by Leo Margulies Fantastic Universe was a digest-sized science fiction and fantasy magazine that ran from 1953 to 1960, originally coming out from King-Size Publications. Its quality is considered to have fallen off after 1956, with lesser stories and more emphasis on pseudo-science articles, but this particular issue… Continue reading Magazine Review: Fantastic Universe October 1955
Manga Review: Ninja Papa
Manga Review: Ninja Papa by Yasuhito Yamamoto. Nobuo Matsuri is a typical Japanese salaryman (office worker.) At thirty-two, he’s got a low-paying dead-end job at a second-rate food company, an incompetent boss who treats him like dirt, a heavily-mortgaged home and a nagging mother-in-law who never hesitates to point out all the many ways in… Continue reading Manga Review: Ninja Papa