Book Review: Battling the Clouds by Captain Frank Cobb It is shortly after World War One, and two boys, both sons of majors, have come to be stationed at Fort Sill, Oklahoma. Frank Anderson’s father is in Aviation, while Bill Sherman’s stepfather is a teacher at the School of Fire (Artillery.) Bill is new to… Continue reading Book Review: Battling the Clouds
Tag: automobiles
Book Review: The 66 Kid: Raised on the Mother Road
Book Review: The 66 Kid: Raised on the Mother Road by Bob Boze Bell Disclaimer: I received this book as a Goodreads giveaway on the premise that I would review it. Bob Boze Bell has been a rock musician, cartoonist, radio host, magazine publisher and other interesting jobs. And he spent most of his youth… Continue reading Book Review: The 66 Kid: Raised on the Mother Road
Comic Book Review: Showcase Presents the Great Disaster Featuring the Atomic Knights
Comic Book Review: Showcase Presents the Great Disaster Featuring the Atomic Knights by too many to list. Trust me, a lot of great names. Between the late 1940s and somewhere in the 1990s, one of the most pervasive fears of the American public was atomic war. For the first time in known history, humans were… Continue reading Comic Book Review: Showcase Presents the Great Disaster Featuring the Atomic Knights
Book Review: The 36 Ancient Chinese Strategies for Modern Business
Book Review: The 36 Ancient Chinese Strategies for Modern Business by Lan Bercu Disclaimer: I received this book as a Goodreads giveaway on the premise that I would review it. Beginning some time in the late 1970s, when it became obvious that Japan had become an economic powerhouse, American businesses began taking an interest in… Continue reading Book Review: The 36 Ancient Chinese Strategies for Modern Business
Book Review: The Avenger #7 (Murder On Wheels, The Three Gold Crowns and Death To the Avenger)
Book Review: The Avenger #7 (Murder On Wheels, The Three Gold Crowns and Death To the Avenger) The Avenger is one of the classic hero pulp characters, a man so strongly affected by a horrific crime that all color drained from his skin and hair, and his face became frozen. Determined that no one else… Continue reading Book Review: The Avenger #7 (Murder On Wheels, The Three Gold Crowns and Death To the Avenger)