Movie Review: Moonlight Sword and Jade Lion

Miss Chu trades blows with another random restaurant patron.

Movie Review: Moonlight Sword and Jade Lion (1977) directed by Karl Liao (Chinese title Yin xiao yu jian cui yu shi) Chu Siew Yen (Angela Mao) is sent by her martial arts instructor to look up his brother, who he hasn’t heard from in a while. No one in the town he was living in knows where… Continue reading Movie Review: Moonlight Sword and Jade Lion

Book Review: Lambda I and Other Stories

Cover by Richard Powers

Book Review: Lambda I and Other Stories edited by John Carnell New Worlds was a British science fiction magazine that started professional publication in 1946.  Despite some financial hiccups, it was a reasonably good seller, and was still going in the early 1960s when the stories chosen for this anthology were published.  The editor picked… Continue reading Book Review: Lambda I and Other Stories

Comic Strip Review: Chester Gould’s Dick Tracy Volume 14: 1951-1953

Comic Strip Review: Chester Gould’s Dick Tracy Volume 14: 1951-1953 by Chester Gould Another of the fine IDW reprints which are trying to cover the entire Chester Gould run of Dick Tracy, moving into the early 1950s.  As mentioned in the Max Allan Collins introduction, the stories shifted focus a bit.  Dick Tracy is a full… Continue reading Comic Strip Review: Chester Gould’s Dick Tracy Volume 14: 1951-1953