Open Post: Top Ten as of Right Now

I’ll be away from my computer for the next little while, so let’s have a Top Ten list post! These are the top ten content posts for the last year. Anime Review: Labyrinth of Magic Manga Review: Vagabond Volume 1 Book Review: Good Advice from Bad People (really rocketed up the charts!) Manga Review: Ayako… Continue reading Open Post: Top Ten as of Right Now

Anime Review: Magi: The Kingdom of Magic

Anime Review: Magi: The Kingdom of Magic This is the sequel to last year’s Magi: The Magical Labyrinth so please see my review of that show, and the Magi manga if you don’t want to be spoiled for those. After defeating another dungeon, our heroes are in high spirits.  But soon new matters come up.  Prince Hakuryu… Continue reading Anime Review: Magi: The Kingdom of Magic

Anime Review: Samurai Flamenco

Anime Review: Samurai Flamenco Masayoshi Hazama is an up and coming male model with a superhero fixation.  Since superheroes don’t exist in real life, Masayoshi decides to become the first, as non-powered masked hero Samurai Flamenco.  He goes out to fight minor crime like jaywalking and littering, and it doesn’t go well.  His first adventure… Continue reading Anime Review: Samurai Flamenco

Anime Review: Kill la Kill

Anime Review: Kill la Kill In the indefinite future, Ryuko Matoi is the delinquent daughter of a mad scientist who arrives home after a long time away at school to find him murdered with one blade of a giant scissors.  The killer, too far away to identify, has the other blade.  Ryuko vows vengeance. In… Continue reading Anime Review: Kill la Kill

Manga Review: Magi #1

Manga Review: Magi #1 by Shinobu Ohtaka In a setting not unlike the Middle Eastern tales of the Arabian Nights, there is a boy named Aladdin.   He’s lived in isolation until now, so he doesn’t know much about the outside world, or how society works.  Soon, Aladdin meets a drifter named Alibaba, who’s a… Continue reading Manga Review: Magi #1

Open Thread: 2013 Roundup

Haven’t finished reading the next book in my pile yet, so let’s have a generic year’s roundup post! People from around the globe have looked at this blog. The top ten countries for 2013 are: United States (way out in front, no surprise there), Canada, United Kingdom, France, Australia, Phillipines, Germany, Spain, Brazil and India.… Continue reading Open Thread: 2013 Roundup

Anime Review: Servant X Service

Anime Review: Servant X Service Like America, Japan has had its economic woes in the last few years, with unemployment a serious problem for many people.  One of the jobs considered “safe” and steady if not spectacular work, is being a civil servant.  So it is that a certain city Health and Welfare Office comes… Continue reading Anime Review: Servant X Service

Anime Review: Mushibugyo

Anime Review: Mushibugyo It has been about a century since Japan was invaded by giant mushi (“insect” or “bug”, it’s a loose category) that rampage about, eating people and destroying buildings.  In Edo, the capital, the shogunate government has established the office of the Mushibugyo (“Insect Magistrate”) to protect the city and its people.  A new… Continue reading Anime Review: Mushibugyo

Manga Review: Voice Over! Seiyu Academy #1

Manga Review: Voice Over! Seiyu Academy #1 by Maki Minami Hime Kino isn’t much like her name would imply (“Hime” means “Princess.”)  She’s clumsy and tomboyish, and none too bright.  Plus, she’s got a voice like a gravel pit, that only gets worse when she tries to sound cute.  But she’s a huge fan of… Continue reading Manga Review: Voice Over! Seiyu Academy #1

Anime Review: [C] The Money of Soul and Possibility

Anime Review: [C] The Money of Soul and Possibility Kimimaro Yoga is an impoverished college student, bitter about the suicide of his father, which he sees as abandonment, and working hard to make sure he has a financially stable future.  One day he is approached by a being called Masakaki and offered a deal.  If… Continue reading Anime Review: [C] The Money of Soul and Possibility