Movie Review: Zootopia (2016) directed by Byron Howard Once upon a time, the mammals of the world ran solely on instinct. Predators ate prey, and that was the way things were. But over time, evolution happened and now you no longer have to be defined by your species. Mammals live in peace with each other, and… Continue reading Movie Review: Zootopia
Tag: animals
Comic Book Review: Angel Catbird Vol. 1
Comic Book Review: Angel Catbird Vol. 1 written by Margaret Atwood, illustrated by Johnnie Christmas Genetic engineer Strig Feleedus probably should have been a little faster on the uptake. There was his boss Dr. Muroid’s insistence in speed over safety in the creation of a new super splicer serum. There was the fact that his… Continue reading Comic Book Review: Angel Catbird Vol. 1
Manga Review: Fruits Basket Volume 8
Manga Review: Fruits Basket Volume 8 by Natsuki Takaya Tohru Honda’s extended family sucks. After her mother died, her aunt and uncle made it clear they wanted nothing to do with the child. But the optimistic compassion and strong work ethic Tohru inherited from her mother served her well. She got a part time job… Continue reading Manga Review: Fruits Basket Volume 8
Comic Strip Review: Evil Witch Allie and the Black Whole
Comic Strip Review: Evil Witch Allie and the Black Whole by Kristin Tipping Jake is a cautious boy who deals with scary things by avoiding them as much as possible. Like the Mirror Lake Bog back of his house, or his crush on Cal, the boy next door. Part of it may be that he… Continue reading Comic Strip Review: Evil Witch Allie and the Black Whole
Book Review: Zeus Grants Stupid Wishes: A No-Bullshit Guide to World Mythology
Book Review: Zeus Grants Stupid Wishes: A No-Bullshit Guide to World Mythology by Cory O’Brien Our modern world is built, among other things, on the mythology of the past. The stories of how the world came to be, where people came from, and the foibles of the gods are deep in our cultural DNA. But… Continue reading Book Review: Zeus Grants Stupid Wishes: A No-Bullshit Guide to World Mythology
Book Review: Didi Dodo, Future Spy: Recipe for Disaster
Book Review: Didi Dodo, Future Spy: Recipe for Disaster words by Tom Angleberger, art by Jared Chapman Disclaimer: I received an Uncorrected Proof through a Goodreads giveaway for the purpose of writing this review. No other compensation was requested or offered. As an uncorrected proof, there may be changes in the final product–in particular, some… Continue reading Book Review: Didi Dodo, Future Spy: Recipe for Disaster
Book Review: Stories from Everywhere
Book Review: Stories from Everywhere by various authors One of the joys of picking up random old books from Little Free Libraries, garage sales and discard bins is discovering rare volumes that have strayed far from their starting point. In this case, it’s a Developmental Reader from the California school system printed in 1954. A… Continue reading Book Review: Stories from Everywhere
Book Review: The Avon Fantasy Reader
Book Review: The Avon Fantasy Reader edited by Donald A. Wollheim and George Ernsberger Avon Fantasy Reader was a pulp magazine that reprinted fantasy and science fiction stories for eighteen issues starting in 1946. It featured some doozies from authors who’d since become well-known, or were classics in their own right. In 1968, this paperback… Continue reading Book Review: The Avon Fantasy Reader
Book Review: The Spider #08: The Mad Horde
Book Review: The Spider #08: The Mad Horde edited by Rich Harvey Quick recap: The Spider is a violent vigilante who battles master criminals in 1930s America. He is secretly wealthy amateur criminologist Richard Wentworth, who believes there are some criminals the police simply aren’t equipped to deal with. The Spider brands his kills with… Continue reading Book Review: The Spider #08: The Mad Horde
Book Review: Siege 13
Book Review: Siege 13 by Tamas Dobozy During World War Two, Hungary was one of the Axis powers, with its own fascists led by the Arrow Cross Party. At first this seemed like a good idea, as Hungary gained back territories it had lost after the breakup of the Austro-Hungarian Empire. But late in the… Continue reading Book Review: Siege 13