Book Review: 99 Observations on the Advertising Agency Business in the 60’s and 70’s

Book Review: 99 Observations on the Advertising Agency Business in the 60’s and 70’s by Gary D. Bringgold with Dean R. Oberpriller Back a while ago, there was a prestigious television program titled Mad Men, which was about a fictitious advertising agency in New York City in the 1960s and 1970s. It was very popular… Continue reading Book Review: 99 Observations on the Advertising Agency Business in the 60’s and 70’s

Book Review: Fresh Eyes on Famous Bible Sayings

Book Review: Fresh Eyes on Famous Bible Sayings by Doug Newton Disclaimer:  I received a copy of this book through a Goodreads Giveaway to facilitate the writing of this review.  No other compensation was offered or requested. One of the things about living in a “culturally Christian” nation like the United States is that a… Continue reading Book Review: Fresh Eyes on Famous Bible Sayings

Book Review: People Tools for Business

Book Review: People Tools for Business by Alan C. Fox Disclaimer:  I received this book as a Goodreads giveaway on the premise that I would review it.  My copy is an uncorrected galley, and there may be changes in the final product. Alan C. Fox is a successful real estate manager and entrepreneur (and poetry… Continue reading Book Review: People Tools for Business

Book Review: Good Advice from Bad People

Book Review: Good Advice from Bad People: Selected Wisdom from Murderers, Stock Swindlers and Lance Armstrong by Zac Bissonnette Disclaimer:  I received this book from a Goodreads giveaway on the premise that I would review it. People love to give advice.  Maxims, moral pronouncements, proverbs and detailed instructions on how other people should live their… Continue reading Book Review: Good Advice from Bad People