Book Review: The Moon Maid by Edgar Rice Burroughs It is the 2020s, and it is at last time for the humans of Earth to visit their neighbors on Mars, or as its natives call it, Barsoom. The first spaceship to essay the journey is also named the Barsoom. It carries a crew of five,… Continue reading Book Review: The Moon Maid
Tag: adventure
Anime Review: Dragon Ball Daima
Anime Review: Dragon Ball Daima Previously, on Dragon Ball: Son Goku was rocketed to Earth as an infant from the dying planet Vegeta–to conquer it. Instead, he became its greatest defender and the universe’s best martial artist. Along with his friends, quite a few of whom were former enemies, Son Goku defeated threat after threat.… Continue reading Anime Review: Dragon Ball Daima
Movie Review: The Adventures of Rex and Rinty
Movie Review: The Adventures of Rex and Rinty (1935) directed by Ford Beebe On the island of Sujan in the Indian Ocean, the natives worship the horse god. They venerate all horses, but only one is the incarnation of the horse god, the God-Horse Rex, King of the Wild Horses (Rex). Wealthy and unscrupulous polo player… Continue reading Movie Review: The Adventures of Rex and Rinty
Book Review: The Lad and the Lion
Book Review: The Lad and the Lion by Edgar Rice Burroughs A certain kingdom in Europe is experiencing unrest. The people are chafing under the absolute monarchy, wanting to switch to a constitutional republic. The current king is actually pretty good as monarchs go, but firmly believes that those who have been born and trained… Continue reading Book Review: The Lad and the Lion
Book Review: The Society of Nine
Book Review: The Society of Nine by Nick Carter Nick Carter, Killmaster-ranked agent of AXE, is called away from one of his rare days off when it’s discovered that a recently deceased assassin is a near dead ringer for him. The plan is for Nick to disguise himself as Anglo-Irish sniper Liam McDaniel and meet… Continue reading Book Review: The Society of Nine
Comic Book Review: Adventure Comics #499
Comic Book Review: Adventure Comics #499 edited by Carl Gafford & Nicola Cuti I managed to find another issue of the digest-sized Adventure Comics from 1983. Let’s take a look at the treasures inside! “Plastic Man” (no chapter title) written by Len Wein, art by Joe Staton and Bob Smith features the obvious character. Plastic… Continue reading Comic Book Review: Adventure Comics #499
Movie Review: Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom
Movie Review: Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom (1984) directed by Steven Spielberg Shanghai, 1935. Dr. Henry “Indiana” Jones (Harrison Ford) is in town to swap the ashes of a Manchu emperor for a large diamond of historical and personal interest to him. Unfortunately, gang boss (and shipping magnate) Lao Che (Roy Chiao) wants to… Continue reading Movie Review: Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom
Magazine Review: High Adventure #194: Wheeler-Nicholson Special
Magazine Review: High Adventure #194: Wheeler-Nicholson Special edited by John P. Gunnison This volume of the pulp reprints series has five stories by Major Malcolm Wheeler-Nicholson, who in addition to writing many fine pulp stories is important to the history of comic books. In 1935, he founded National Allied Publications, which published the first comic… Continue reading Magazine Review: High Adventure #194: Wheeler-Nicholson Special
Comic Book Review: Adventure Comics #494
Comic Book Review: Adventure Comics #494 edited by Carl Gafford I’ve dug out another of the Adventure Comics digests from the early 1980s. As mentioned in my review of #497, each of these only had one new story fronting a bunch of reprints, including at least two related to the Legion of Super-Heroes. Let’s take… Continue reading Comic Book Review: Adventure Comics #494
Book Review: Land of Terror
Book Review: Land of Terror by Edgar Rice Burroughs The Pellucidar books were Edgar Rice Burrough’s third big book series after Tarzan and Barsoom. They use the Hollow Earth premise that our home planet is not solid inside, but has another land upside-down to the surface which can be accessed by holes at the poles… Continue reading Book Review: Land of Terror