Magazine Review: Analog Science Fiction Science Fact June 1969 edited by John W. Campbell The editorial for this issue of the venerable science fiction magazine talks about two “elegant solutions” to technical problems, the first one being a better spacesuit, and the other being a better microphone. Neither of these notions worked out in real… Continue reading Magazine Review: Analog Science Fiction Science Fact June 1969
Tag: actors
Movie Review: Mark of the Vampire
Movie Review: Mark of the Vampire (1935) directed by Tod Browning (also released as “Vampires of Prague”) Czechoslovakia, 1934, near the city of Prague. It is growing dark, but in the inn run by a local fellow (Michael Visaroff), two English travelers want to be on their way. The innkeeper warns that vampires roam these parts… Continue reading Movie Review: Mark of the Vampire
Manga Review: Skip-Beat! Volumes 7-8-9
Manga Review: Skip-Beat! Volumes 7-8-9 by Yoshiki Nakamura Note: This review contains spoilers for previous volumes. If you are unfamiliar with the series, you may want to read earlier reviews instead. Quick recap: Kyoko Mogami dropped out of school and moved to Tokyo to support her beloved Sho as he tried to break into show… Continue reading Manga Review: Skip-Beat! Volumes 7-8-9
Magazine Review: Ellery Queen’s Mystery Magazine January/February 2024
Magazine Review: Ellery Queen’s Mystery Magazine January/February 2024 edited by Janet Hutchings Despite the cover date, this issue of the venerable mystery story magazine hit newsstands in December 2023, so is the Christmas issue as well as the Sherlock Holmes tribute. I bought this issue and promptly had it buried under a to read pile,… Continue reading Magazine Review: Ellery Queen’s Mystery Magazine January/February 2024
Movie Review: Bloody Pit of Horror
Movie Review: Bloody Pit of Horror (1965) directed by Massimo Pupillo, Italian title “Il Boia Scarlatto” (The Crimson Executioner) Horror paperback publisher Daniel Parks (Alfredo Rizzo) wants to have the covers of his next few books be photographs. So he and a small crew of models, photographer and writer are touring Italy for the exactly right… Continue reading Movie Review: Bloody Pit of Horror
TV Review: Batman: Caped Crusader
TV Review: Batman: Caped Crusader To each new generation there shall come…a new animated Batman series! Caped Crusader is the 2024-on version of the story. In this version, traumatized millionaire Bruce Wayne and his dark-costumed alter ego are at the beginning of their career. He and the police don’t trust each other, largely because Gotham… Continue reading TV Review: Batman: Caped Crusader
Book Review: Fantastic Flops
Book Review: Fantastic Flops edited by Prof. Christopher McGlothlin, M.Ed. Disclaimer: I contributed to the Kickstarter for this book. Despite the best efforts of producers, directors, writers, actors and all the varied crew members who work on them, sometimes movies don’t do well enough to be considered successful. Maybe they’re just bad, or had terrible… Continue reading Book Review: Fantastic Flops
Manga Review: Oshi no Ko #1
Manga Review: Oshi no Ko #1 by Aka Akasaka and Mengo Yokoyari Have you ever wondered what it would be like to be a nepo baby? Born to a celebrity with looks and connections from the very beginning, maybe money too? Sarina did, before she died of brain cancer. But she could only dream in… Continue reading Manga Review: Oshi no Ko #1
Comic Book Review: The Bitter End and Other Stories
Comic Book Review: The Bitter End and Other Stories illustrated by Reed Crandall and George Roussos This EC reprint volume covers the latter part of Reed Crandall’s career as an artist of EC comic books, and several genre stories by George Roussos, who didn’t stay with the company long. The book opens with an introduction… Continue reading Comic Book Review: The Bitter End and Other Stories
The Continental Literary Magazine: Beast (2023)
The Continental Literary Magazine: Beast (2023) edited by Sándor Jászberényi The Continental is a Hungarian literary magazine dedicated to widening recognition of Central European authors in the English-speaking world. It comes out quarterly, and I happened to notice a copy at the bookstore. The theme of this issue is “Beast”, both actual animals and the… Continue reading The Continental Literary Magazine: Beast (2023)