Movie Review: Project A 2

How is Sergeant Ma going to get out of this one?

Movie Review: Project A 2 (1987) directed by Jackie Chan Sergeant “Dragon” Ma (Jackie Chan) may have smashed the pirate fleet menacing Hong Kong a few weeks ago, but a policeman’s lot is not a happy one. It seems that Superintendant Chun (David Lam)is suspected of being heavily corrupt. Organized crime in his district operates freely,… Continue reading Movie Review: Project A 2

Comic Book Review: The Army of Dr. Moreau

Comic Book Review: The Army of Dr. Moreau written by David F. Walker, art by Carl Sciacchitano, color by Sara Machajewski The year is 1939, and agents of the British and American governments have been sent to visit H.G. Wells, well-known author of utopian books. But it is not one of his utopian volumes they… Continue reading Comic Book Review: The Army of Dr. Moreau

Movie Review: Chocolate (2008)

Zen negotiates with the Pork Man.

Movie Review: Chocolate (2008) directed by Prachya Pinkaew Zin (Ammara Siripong) was a ruthless loan shark and former lover of Thai mob boss Number Eight (Pongpat Wachirabunjong) until she fell in love with Yakuza member Masashi (Hiroshi Abe). Number Eight violently objected to the relationship, which he felt was an invasion of his territory, and Masashi… Continue reading Movie Review: Chocolate (2008)

Anime Review: Dorohedoro

"I'd like to talk to you about the Baseball Initiative."

Anime Review: Dorohedoro Life is pretty miserable in The Hole. If you’re a normal human, you could be attacked at any time by a sorcerer trying to practice their magic. Multiple people are walking around scarred or deformed for life Yes, the effects of magic are reversed it the sorcerer dies, but they’ve got magic… Continue reading Anime Review: Dorohedoro

Movie Review: Goldfinger

Bond flirts with Tilly Masterson.

Movie Review: Goldfinger (1964) directed by Guy Hamilton On his way back from a Caribbean sabotage mission, British agent James Bond (Sean Connery) stops over in Miami Beach. He’s met by his CIA contact Felix Leiter (Cec Linder) who passes on a mission from MI-6 boss M. Bond’s to do some surveillance of British citizen Auric… Continue reading Movie Review: Goldfinger

Book Review: The Bamboo Bloodbath

Book Review: The Bamboo Bloodbath by Piers Anthony and Roberto Fuentes I’ve mentioned before that one of my guilty pleasures is the “men’s adventure” paperback series of the 1970s. Violence, sex, drugs and the particular cultural trends of the Seventies mixed with a macho writing style and pulpish sensibility. In the case of the Jason… Continue reading Book Review: The Bamboo Bloodbath

Movie Review: Ong-Bak: The Thai Warrior

Ting ropes up for an important battle.

Movie Review: Ong-Bak: The Thai Warrior (2003) directed by Prachya Pinkaew Don (Wannakit Sirioput) had one job. Go to a remote village in Thailand, buy an ancient amulet at way below market price, and return it to mob boss Komtuan (Suchao Pongwilai) for sale on the black market. He failed because the village chief is saving… Continue reading Movie Review: Ong-Bak: The Thai Warrior

Anime Review: Beastars

Haru and Legoshi don't seem to be a likely couple.

Anime Review: Beastars Legoshi is tall for his age, even for a gray wolf. He’s got a wiry strength that he attempts to hide behind a timid personality, and although he belongs to the drama club, he’s happy behind the scenes on the art crew. (Legoshi’s specialty is lighting.) But the other students at Cherryton… Continue reading Anime Review: Beastars

Manga Review: Wild 7 Vols. 1-4

Manga Review: Wild 7 Vols. 1-4 by Mikiya Mochizuki In the late 1960s, Japan was faced with a rising crime wave. Student radicals, terrorists, gangsters, corrupt politicians; it seemed all too much for the ordinary police to handle. Police Supervisor Katsu Kusanami, a brilliant rising star from a top university, had an idea. What if… Continue reading Manga Review: Wild 7 Vols. 1-4

Movie Review: Dirty Harry

Harry shows off his large weapon.

Movie Review: Dirty Harry (1971) directed by Don Siegel Detective Inspector Harry Callahan (Clint Eastwood) of the San Francisco Police Department is not a nice man. He hates everyone equally (or at least that’s what his coworkers say) and has trouble phrasing things politely. In an establishing moment early in the film, Callahan defuses a potential… Continue reading Movie Review: Dirty Harry