Movie Review: The Enforcer (1976) directed by James Fargo Two Pacific Gas & Electric employees violate company rules by picking up an attractive hitchhiker. Unfortunately for them, they’re not in a Seventies porno film, but a Seventies action film. Meanwhile, Inspector Harry “Dirty Harry” Callahan (Clint Eastwood) of the San Francisco Police Department is having a… Continue reading Movie Review: The Enforcer (1976)
Tag: action
Movie Review: Terminator 2: Judgement Day
Movie Review: Terminator 2: Judgement Day (1991) directed by James Cameron In the near future year of 1995, two visitors from the slightly further future of 2029 arrive. One has been sent by the hostile artificial intelligence Skynet to kill the leader of the future Resistance, John Connor (Edward Furlong) while he is still a child,… Continue reading Movie Review: Terminator 2: Judgement Day
TV Review: Tientsin Mystic
TV Review: Tientsin Mystic Tientsin (now usually romanized as “Tianjin”) is a river and port city in Northern China. During a ceremony to honor the River God, two corpses are discovered by salvage diver Guo De-You (Xian Li). One is an infant of unknown origin, but the other is the leader of the prestigious Chamber… Continue reading TV Review: Tientsin Mystic
Movie Review: Diamonds Are Forever
Movie Review: Diamonds Are Forever (1971) directed by Guy Hamilton We open with James Bond (Sean Connery) globetrotting in a search for his archenemy, Ernst Stavros Blofeld (Charles Gray), leader of the international crime syndicate SPECTRE. He quickly catches up to and kills two Blofelds, one of whom was a surgically-altered double for the real criminal.… Continue reading Movie Review: Diamonds Are Forever
Manga Review: Shonen Jump (2020)
Manga Review: Shonen Jump (2020) It’s the eighth anniversary of this blog, and time once again to look at the online version of Weekly Shounen Jump! There haven’t been any major changes to the format since last year. One Piece is still the longest-running feature, and is closing in on 1000 chapters! There was a… Continue reading Manga Review: Shonen Jump (2020)
Movie Review: Total Recall (1990)
Movie Review: Total Recall (1990) directed by Paul Verhoeven Doug Quaid (Arnold Schwarzenegger) has a recurring dream set on Mars. In it, he is exploring the landscape with a woman who is not his wife Lori (Sharon Stone) when he has an accident and his helmet breaks, causing Quaid to suffocate. When he awakens, Quaid wants… Continue reading Movie Review: Total Recall (1990)
Movie Review: Braveheart
Movie Review: Braveheart (1995) directed by Mel Gibson It is late 13th Century Scotland, and the land is without a king. King Edward I of England (Patrick McGoohan), known as “Longshanks”, claims ownership and has sent his armies to occupy the land. After a peace negotiation with Scots lords ends in a war crime by Longshanks,… Continue reading Movie Review: Braveheart
Movie Review: The Avenging Eagle
Movie Review: The Avenging Eagle (1978) directed by Chung Sun Homeless (Sheng Fu) sees a man dying of thirst in the desert, and stops to give him water. This man, Rover (Ti Lung), repays Homeless by stealing his horse and supplies. Fortunately, it turns out there is an oasis not too far away, and when Homeless… Continue reading Movie Review: The Avenging Eagle
Movie Review: Supercop
Movie Review: Supercop (1992) directed by Stanley Tong After two spectacularly successful cases, Chan Kar Kui (Jackie Chan, “Kevin” in the dub) has acquired the nickname “Supercop.” And now there’s a new dangerous assignment on the horizon. His superiors trick him into volunteering by letting overhear a conversation about how they feel the case is too… Continue reading Movie Review: Supercop
Manga Review: Vinland Saga Book Eleven
Manga Review: Vinland Saga Book Eleven by Makoto Yukimura Quick recap: It is the age of Vikings. Thorfinn Thorsson, once a warrior single-mindedly focused on vengeance, now pursues a path of peace. His trading expedition has been interrupted by war in the Baltic Sea between factions of the fierce Jomsviking raiders. Thorfinn wants nothing to… Continue reading Manga Review: Vinland Saga Book Eleven