Comic Book Review: The Forgotten Man Graphic Edition

Comic Book Review: The Forgotten Man Graphic Edition by Amity Shlaes & Paul Rivoche Disclaimer:  I received this book through a Goodreads giveaway on the premise that I would review it.  My copy was an uncorrected proof, and some changes will occur in the final edition (due out around May 2014.) This is a “graphic… Continue reading Comic Book Review: The Forgotten Man Graphic Edition

Book Review: The Devil–With Wings

Book Review: The Devil–With Wings by L. Ron Hubbard Full Disclosure: I received this book from a Goodreads giveaway in the expectation that I would review it. Presumably this was influenced by my review of an earlier book in the series, “If I Were You.” This volume is part of the “Golden Age Stories” reprints… Continue reading Book Review: The Devil–With Wings