Book Review: The Planet Explorer

Book Review: The Planet Explorer by Murray Leinster This “novel” is more of a story cycle, a set of four novelettes about the career of Bordman, an officer of Colonial Survey (“Colonial Survey” being the title this collection was first published under.) It’s set in a future where humanity is constantly expanding through the galaxy.… Continue reading Book Review: The Planet Explorer

TV Review: Star Trek: Prodigy

From left: Murf, Rok-Tahk, Jankom Pog, Dal, Gwyn, Zero...and the guy who graduated bottom of his Starfleet Academy class.

TV Review: Star Trek: Prodigy The mining asteroid Tars Lamora is ruled with an iron fist by the ruthless being called The Diviner, his right hand robot Drednok and their army of robotic Watchers. Their “prisoners with jobs” are called “the Unwanted”, a motley assortment of criminals, slaves and abductees sold to the Diviner by… Continue reading TV Review: Star Trek: Prodigy

Comic Book Review: The Strongest Man in the World: Louis Cyr

Comic Book Review: The Strongest Man in the World: Louis Cyr by Nicolas Debon Louis Cyr (1863-1912) was undefeated in feats of strength during his lifetime, and was billed as “The Strongest Man in the World” when he performed for audiences, including as the main attraction of his own circus. This children’s book is a… Continue reading Comic Book Review: The Strongest Man in the World: Louis Cyr

Movie Review: Goke, Bodysnatcher from Hell

Mr. Tokuyasu is reluctant to accept "aliens" as an explanation for the bizarre events.

Movie Review: Goke, Body Snatcher from Hell (1968) directed by Hajime Sato The Japan Air Lines flight from Tokyo to Osaka was already ill-omened before the bomb threat was received, what with the blood-red sky and birds splattering themselves against the windows. Once the crew are alerted to the possibility of a bomb, they perform a… Continue reading Movie Review: Goke, Bodysnatcher from Hell

Book Review: The Game Master’s Book of Random Encounters

Book Review: The Game Master’s Book of Random Encounters by Jeff Ashworth I’ve been a fan of the various iterations of Dungeons and Dragons since 1979, when I first encountered people who played the game. While my involvement has waxed and waned over the years, I still enjoy reading the game products. One of the… Continue reading Book Review: The Game Master’s Book of Random Encounters

The Continental Literary Magazine: Beast (2023)

The Continental Literary Magazine: Beast (2023) edited by Sándor Jászberényi The Continental is a Hungarian literary magazine dedicated to widening recognition of Central European authors in the English-speaking world. It comes out quarterly, and I happened to notice a copy at the bookstore. The theme of this issue is “Beast”, both actual animals and the… Continue reading The Continental Literary Magazine: Beast (2023)

Movie Review: The Snorkel

The sinister snorkel!

Movie Review: The Snorkel (1958) directed by Guy Green Paul Decker (Peter van Eyck) has gotten away with murder before. Years ago, he murdered his wealthy friend Mr. Brown by drowning him in a boating “accident” so that he could marry the widow and her considerable inheritance, including an Italian villa near the French border. Now… Continue reading Movie Review: The Snorkel

Anime Review: 16bit Sensation: Another Layer

Anime Review: 16bit Sensation: Another Layer In 2023, Konoha Akisato is an aspiring illustrator who wants to break into the world of bishoujo (“pretty girl”) games. She’s a huge nerd on the subject, with an encyclopedic knowledge of the field. Sadly, the only job she could get related to computer games is “color fill” at… Continue reading Anime Review: 16bit Sensation: Another Layer

Movie Review: Blade Runner

"All those moments will be lost in tears in rain."

Movie Review: Blade Runner (1982) directed by Ridley Scott It is 2019, and Los Angeles is in rough shape. Thanks to climate change, pollution and other factors, animals are nearly extinct. The city itself is dark and run down, with almost perpetual rain showers. Most of the people who can move to off-world colonies have done… Continue reading Movie Review: Blade Runner

Open Thread: Top Ten Lists for 2023!

Created for me by Indigo Caldwell; please do not reuse without permission.

Open Thread: Top Ten Lists for 2023! It’s time again for the annual wrap-up post. 2023 was a year, wasn’t it? There were some good times, some bad times, and some odd times. Let’s look at those top ten lists! Top Ten Posts of 2023 The big surprise of the year is God’s Little Acre… Continue reading Open Thread: Top Ten Lists for 2023!