Open Thread: The Power of Weak Ties

Yes, another open thread already.  Today I went to a “lunch and learn” seminar at Joule, which is a co-working office and meeting space.  Joule helps people who run businesses out of their homes or tiny offices when they need more space to talk to clients or hold a meeting. The seminar was sponsored… Continue reading Open Thread: The Power of Weak Ties

Open Thread: Inspired Blog Challenge Day One

I am participating in the Inspired Blog Challenge running from 5/1/14-5/31/14, in which I will attempt to post at least twenty times, among other goals.  I have turned off moderation of the comments–please don’t make me regret this. For those of you reading this blog for the first time, I’m Scott K. Jamison, SKJAM! on… Continue reading Open Thread: Inspired Blog Challenge Day One

Open Thread: Minicon 49

This past weekend, I went to Minicon 49 at the RadiShTree Hotel in Bloomington.   It’s a book-oriented science fiction convention with an older-skewing crowd, running around 500 people.  So it’s not overcrowded and a good place to talk to your once a year friends. This year’s theme was “Pirates and Airships” largely because the… Continue reading Open Thread: Minicon 49

Open Post: Top Ten as of Right Now

I’ll be away from my computer for the next little while, so let’s have a Top Ten list post! These are the top ten content posts for the last year. Anime Review: Labyrinth of Magic Manga Review: Vagabond Volume 1 Book Review: Good Advice from Bad People (really rocketed up the charts!) Manga Review: Ayako… Continue reading Open Post: Top Ten as of Right Now

Open Thread: RIP Aaron Allston

Aaron Allston

Aaron Allston passed away yesterday at age 53.  Most of you will probably be familiar with his work on Star Wars related books.  I remember him most fondly from his early Champions work. He was the editor at Hero Games who gave me my first paying work as a writer, and created the Strike Force… Continue reading Open Thread: RIP Aaron Allston

Open Thread: My Doctor Visit

Reusing this old picture of me with the Doctor!

  Many years ago, while in England, I got to see an exhibit with a special guest star.  You can really tell I’m a tourist, can’t you? Tell me your favorite celebrity (or facsimile thereof) story! Related posts: Movie Review: Doctor Strange (2007) Magazine Review: Doctor Death February 1935 Book Review: Doctor Dead: A Percy… Continue reading Open Thread: My Doctor Visit