Manga Review: Ninja Papa by Yasuhito Yamamoto. Nobuo Matsuri is a typical Japanese salaryman (office worker.) At thirty-two, he’s got a low-paying dead-end job at a second-rate food company, an incompetent boss who treats him like dirt, a heavily-mortgaged home and a nagging mother-in-law who never hesitates to point out all the many ways in… Continue reading Manga Review: Ninja Papa
Category: manga
Manga Review: Shonen Jump Alpha
Manga Review: Shonen Jump Alpha Let’s start with something hefty, shall we? Shounen Jump is the #1 manga anthology magazine in Japan, selling in the millions of copies. Its emphasis on the themes of “friendship, struggle, victory!” have made it a favorite of both its primary demographic of teenage boys (“shounen”) and the general public.… Continue reading Manga Review: Shonen Jump Alpha