Book Review: Some Kind of Peace by Camilla Grebe & Asa Traff Disclosure: I received this book as a Goodreads giveaway on the premise that I would review it. Siri Bergman is a Stockholm psychologist who is suffering from the loss of her husband, their unborn child and a crippling fear of darkness. So… Continue reading Book Review: Some Kind of Peace
Category: Book
Book Review: Every Hill and Mountain
Book Review: Every Hill and Mountain by Deborah Heal Disclaimer: I received this book in a Goodreads giveaway in the expectation that I would review it. This review will contain heavy spoilers. This is the third in a trilogy about Abby Thomas, a denominational college student on a summer service project to be a tutor to… Continue reading Book Review: Every Hill and Mountain
Book Review: There Are Doors
Book Review: There Are Doors by Gene Wolfe Mr. Green has hooked up with Lara, a woman he knows almost nothing about. After a week, she disappears, leaving only a note explaining that “there are doors” and that he must not go through them. Mr. Green promptly manages to stumble through such a door and… Continue reading Book Review: There Are Doors
Book Review: Zorro
Book Review: Zorro by Isabel Allende Johnston McCulley wrote the first Zorro story, “The Curse of Capistrano” way back in 1919. Set in Spanish California, it told the tale of Don Diego (de la) Vega, a foppish young nobleman who in secret was Zorro, the fox, masked protector of justice. It was a modest success,… Continue reading Book Review: Zorro
Book Review: Redshirts
Book Review: Redshirts by John Scalzi I’ve been avoiding reviews of this book, so this may be very redundant of other things you’ve read about Redshirts. The Universal Union capital ship Intrepid has a problem. Or rather, the crew does. Especially the lower-ranked members. It seems that every time one of the senior officers or the… Continue reading Book Review: Redshirts
Book Review: City of Nets
Book Review: City of Nets: A Portrait of Hollywood in the 1940s by Otto Friedrich The book’s title comes from a Bertolt Brecht opera, “The Rise and Fall of the City of Mahagonny.” Brecht had not yet come to Hollywood at the time, but “like a net set for edible birds” is a plausible description of… Continue reading Book Review: City of Nets
Book Review: Come and See: Acts & Letters
Book Review: Come and See: Acts and Letters by Joseph L. Ponessa Disclosure: This is a book received from the Firstreads program, on the premise that I would review it. Also, I should mention here that I am a Christian, although not Catholic, so my reaction to this is necessarily different from what it would be… Continue reading Book Review: Come and See: Acts & Letters
Book Review: Where the Cherry Tree Grew
Book Review: Where the Cherry Tree Grew by Phillip Levy Full Disclosure: I received this book as a Goodreads giveaway, on the premise that I would review it. This is something a little different for me, a geographical “biography” that traces the history of a particular place. In this case, the piece of land that… Continue reading Book Review: Where the Cherry Tree Grew
Book Review: Aim High
Book Review: Aim High by Joseph A. West If you’ve been around the small-press horror magazine scene for a while, you may already be familiar with the work of Joseph A. West. His distinctive primitive art style, heavy on sloping foreheads, large noses and jutting jaws, has graced many a magazine. He also is a… Continue reading Book Review: Aim High
Book Review: The Devil–With Wings
Book Review: The Devil–With Wings by L. Ron Hubbard Full Disclosure: I received this book from a Goodreads giveaway in the expectation that I would review it. Presumably this was influenced by my review of an earlier book in the series, “If I Were You.” This volume is part of the “Golden Age Stories” reprints… Continue reading Book Review: The Devil–With Wings