Book Review: A Prayer for the Crown-Shy

Book Review: A Prayer for the Crown-Shy by Becky Chambers In A Psalm for the Wild-Built, tea monk Sibling Dex went into the wilderness on a journey of discovery, and was introduced to the robot Mosscap. (See my previous review.) This sequel volume picks up not too long after the conclusion of that one, as… Continue reading Book Review: A Prayer for the Crown-Shy

Book Review: Great Science Fiction About Doctors

Cover by Don Ivan Punchatz

Book Review: Great Science Fiction About Doctors edited by Groff Conklin and Noah D. Fabricant, M.D. While medical doctors are common and important in science fiction, stories directly about them or the field of medicine are a bit rarer. It was one magazine’s speculation that it would be difficult to fill an anthology with really… Continue reading Book Review: Great Science Fiction About Doctors

Book Review: Sal & Gabi Break the Universe

Book Review: Sal & Gabi Break the Universe by Carlos Hernandez Culeco Academy of the Arts is a magnet school for gifted middle schoolers in a Cuban-American neighborhood of Miami, Florida. It’s usually a fun place for a school, full of creativity and teachers who want to bring out the best in their students. But… Continue reading Book Review: Sal & Gabi Break the Universe

Book Review: Classics of the Horror Film

Book Review: Classics of the Horror Film by William K. Everson I’ve mentioned before that as a teenager, I had rather morbid tastes in entertainment. This naturally led to an interest in the horror genre. This fascination has never entirely left me, as you can tell from the many horror-tinged reviews I’ve done for this… Continue reading Book Review: Classics of the Horror Film

Book Review: Fafner: Dead Aggressor

Book Review: Fafner: Dead Aggressor by Tow Ubukata Kazuki Makabe lives on Tatsumiyajima, an isolated island far off the coast of Japan. He’s looking forward to leaving the island one year from now, one way or another, whether to go to a mainland school or join a fishing boat crew. He’s the best athlete on… Continue reading Book Review: Fafner: Dead Aggressor

Book Review: Wicked West

Book Review: Wicked West edited by Abigail Linhardt and J.H. Fleming The combination of Western and horror genres is a popular one; those wide open spaces in which people and entire towns can just disappear make for a setting that allows a lot of spookiness. This bespoke anthology has eleven stories in this subcategory. “The… Continue reading Book Review: Wicked West

Book Review: Nettle & Bone

Book Review: Nettle & Bone by T. Kingfisher We open in media res as Marra, age thirty, tries to make a dog from bones and wire in a cursed land inhabited by cannibals. Some of whom are quite nice, really–just don’t eat anything they offer you. It’s damaging her hands something fierce, but then impossible… Continue reading Book Review: Nettle & Bone

Book Review: Land of Terror

Book Review: Land of Terror by Edgar Rice Burroughs The Pellucidar books were Edgar Rice Burrough’s third big book series after Tarzan and Barsoom. They use the Hollow Earth premise that our home planet is not solid inside, but has another land upside-down to the surface which can be accessed by holes at the poles… Continue reading Book Review: Land of Terror

Book Review: Fantastic Flops

Book Review: Fantastic Flops edited by Prof. Christopher McGlothlin, M.Ed. Disclaimer: I contributed to the Kickstarter for this book. Despite the best efforts of producers, directors, writers, actors and all the varied crew members who work on them, sometimes movies don’t do well enough to be considered successful. Maybe they’re just bad, or had terrible… Continue reading Book Review: Fantastic Flops

Book Review: The Horrors of Anime

Book Review: The Horrors of Anime by Mark McPherson As an anime fan myself, I can assure you that there is truly awesome Japanese animation out there that I would wholeheartedly recommend to nearly everyone. There are also good anime, okay anime, mediocre anime (quite a large chunk of the field if I’m being honest),… Continue reading Book Review: The Horrors of Anime