Manga Review: Mao, Volumes 11-13

Manga Review: Mao, Volumes 11-13 by Rumiko Takashashi Quick recap: Nanoka Kiba is by this point not at all an ordinary Japanese schoolgirl. Years ago she was transported to the Taisho Era (the 1920s) and “cursed” by the cat spirit Byoki. When she reached puberty, Nanoka became able to pass between the 21st Century and… Continue reading Manga Review: Mao, Volumes 11-13

Book Review: A Psalm for the Wild-Built

Book Review: A Psalm for the Wild-Built by Becky Chambers Sibling Dex is a monk who yearns for the sound of crickets. So they leave the comfortable city monastery to go on the road as a “tea monk” who offers tea and a sympathetic ear to folks that need them. Dex, after some initial hiccups,… Continue reading Book Review: A Psalm for the Wild-Built

Movie Review: Samurai Rebellion (1967)

Ichi and Yogoro aren't celebrating yet, but their marriage is a good thing.

Movie Review: Samurai Rebellion (1967) directed by Masaki Kobayashi (Japanese title: Joiuchi–Hairyo Tsuma Shimatsu, “Rebellion–Receive the Wife”) The time: 1723-1727 C.E. during the Shogunate period. The place: The Aizu province ruled by Lord Matsudaira, a bit north of Edo. The person: Ichi (Yoko Tsukasa), daughter of a minor vassal. Ichi has been arranged to marry another vassal’s… Continue reading Movie Review: Samurai Rebellion (1967)

Movie Review: Zatoichi’s Vengeance

The biwa priest lampshades that Zatoichi's sensory abilities are comic book level.

Movie Review: Zatoichi’s Vengeance (1966) directed by Tokuzo Tanaka Let’s look at one of the Zatoichi films! This Japanese series ran for 26 films from 1962 to 1989, all starring Shintaro Katsu as the titular blind masseur. Plus a five year TV series, and a couple of modern remakes. From the relatively scanty hints of backstory… Continue reading Movie Review: Zatoichi’s Vengeance

Book Review: Mary Shelley: Gothic Tales

Book Review: Mary Shelley: Gothic Tales by Mary Wollstonecraft Shelley The author of the classic horror novel Frankenstein, or, The Modern Prometheus also wrote other things. This chapbook from Union Square & Co. reprints one of her short stories and an essay she wrote. “The Mortal Immortal” is a memoir by a fictional student of… Continue reading Book Review: Mary Shelley: Gothic Tales

Comic Strip Review: Alley Oop and the Million-Dollar Nugget

Comic Strip Review: Alley Oop and the Million-Dollar Nugget by V.T. Hamlin Alley Oop is a caveman living in the primitive kingdom of Moo in Earth’s prehistoric Bone Age. He rides a tame dinosaur named Dinny, has an off-and-on relationship with sweetheart Ooola, and alternately clashes with and helps out King Guzzle (“Guz”) and the… Continue reading Comic Strip Review: Alley Oop and the Million-Dollar Nugget

Manga Review: Weekly Shonen Jump 2023

Best picture for kitty-lovers, worst for ailurophobes.

Manga Review: Weekly Shonen Jump 2023 by various creators It’s the eleventh anniversary of this blog! As every year, let’s take a look at the long-running colossus that is Weekly Shounen Jump! One Piece has moved on from the Wano storyline to one involving frequently referenced mad scientist(s) Dr. Vegapunk, who is not as cool… Continue reading Manga Review: Weekly Shonen Jump 2023

Book Review: Swords Against Wizardry

Cover art by Jeff Jones

Book Review: Swords Against Wizardry by Fritz Leiber We return, gentle readers, to the fabled world of Nehwon, home of those bold rogues, Fafhrd and the Gray Mouser. But they are not in their favorite city, Lankhmar, but in Fafhrd’s home territory of the Cold Wastes to the north. For they have learned of fabled… Continue reading Book Review: Swords Against Wizardry

Webtoon Review: Scott Pilgrim Takes Off

Roxie and Ramona have a moment.

Webtoon Review: Scott Pilgrim Takes Off Scott Pilgrim is not exactly the most successful young man on Earth. He’s between jobs, crashing at his gay friend Wallace’s apartment in Toronto, playing bass in an indie band “Sex Bob-Omb” and kinda-sorta dating high school girl Knives Chau. He’s weirdly good at fighting, but this is a… Continue reading Webtoon Review: Scott Pilgrim Takes Off

Movie Review: Sword of the Beast

Gundayu and Gennosuke discuss their plans.

Movie Review: Sword of the Beast (1965) directed by Hideo Gosha It is 1857, towards the end of the Tokugawa Shogunate. Commodore Perry’s ships have forced Japan to open its ports, and social change is rippling across Japan. Yuuki Gennosuke (Mikijiro Hira) thought he was going to help bring reform, but instead wound up killing his… Continue reading Movie Review: Sword of the Beast