Movie Review: Bloody Pit of Horror

Bloody Pit of Horror (1965)
Travis is a big man.

Movie Review: Bloody Pit of Horror (1965) directed by Massimo Pupillo, Italian title “Il Boia Scarlatto” (The Crimson Executioner)

Horror paperback publisher Daniel Parks (Alfredo Rizzo) wants to have the covers of his next few books be photographs. So he and a small crew of models, photographer and writer are touring Italy for the exactly right castle to shoot photos in. After several duds, they’ve come to one that looks just right. Initially, it appears to be abandoned, but after breaking in they discover that the owner’s just very reclusive and doesn’t like trespassers. After seeing Edith (Luisa Baratto), the production assistant, but not vice versa, the master of the castle allows them to stay the night. Little do the visitors know that the Crimson Executioner has no intention of letting his guests ever leave!

Bloody Pit of Horror (1965)
Travis is a big man.

The Crimson Executioner is Travis Anderson (Mickey Hargitay), a muscleman actor ala Steve Reeves, who got rich in the movies, but also got increasingly disgusted with the immorality and corruption of the outside world. He felt that contact with sinners (including Edith, a former girlfriend) was dangerous to his perfect body, and somehow learned of this abandoned castle and the legend of the original Crimson Executioner. That medieval nobleman had tortured multiple people to death for imagined crimes and was executed by and sealed within his own iron maiden. Because the Crimson Executioner had sworn to return to life and take vengeance, the place got a reputation for being haunted, and Travis had been able to buy it cheaply and move in with a few goons as servants.

The first horrific death is easily mistaken for an accident, and there’s a bit of misdirection to suggest that there’s supernatural stuff going on, but former reporter Rick (Walter Brandi) soon catches on that there’s a human murderer. Can he save himself or anyone else from the elaborate torture devices of the dungeons?

Good: Nice set design, and the torture devices are deliciously over the top. The giant spiderweb room is comical even as it would be terrifying to actually be in. The cast is enjoying themselves, especially Hargitay who hams it up. There’s little of the slow burn or padded scenes that would make the movie drag.

Less Good: The English dub is atrocious and wooden. There’s a Marquis de Sade quote to try to class the piece up, but no follow through on the philosophy.

Content note: Murder, torture, blood, a bit of sadism. Shirtless men, skimpy costumes and underwear for the women. Two of the characters are implied to be having extramarital sex. Late teens on up, I’m thinking.

Just the right amount of cheesy to be charming. This one’s for bad movie night with a friend or two.

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