Yes, as of December Twelve Twenty Twenty-Two, I will have been posting on this blog for ten years! I started this blog at a low time in my life, and things are better now, but it’s always amazing when you hit a milestone.

I’ve kept SKJAM! Reviews relatively ad-free. No pop-ups, no click-bait links to accumulator sites, just telling you what I think of books and movies and other items. But it’s time once again to ask for a little help from my readers.
One of the big ways you can help is by spreading the word that this blog even exists. Pick a review you liked, or one that’s about a pop culture item you found interesting, and share it on an internet forum or social media or your own web page. Seeing those incoming views really helps keep my spirits up!
If you’re feeling monetarily generous, I have an Amazon wish list. Both of items I’d like to read/watch and review, and things for my personal enjoyment or comfort.
Looking forward to hearing from all of you on my anniversary post!