Webtoon Review: Inside Job
The world is not as it appears on the surface. Strange beings exist just out of sight. The reptoids are in favor of global warming. Chemtrails really do have psychoactive properties. And a secret conspiracy controls the world. Kind of. Turns out the world is hard to control properly, and the people in charge aren’t always good at their jobs. Let’s take a look behind the scenes at Cognito, Inc.

This corporation handles the day to day operations for the mysterious Shadow Council. Reagan Ridley, a genius gadgeteer who is not so very far from going full mad scientist, is looking to become the new leader of the department heads. This objective is made more difficult by company CEO J.R. when he saddles her with “co-leader” Brett Hand. Brett’s a people-pleasing yes man with no practical experience in running a conspiracy, but his likableness works well with Reagan’s ability to make plans.
Other department heads include drug-addicted surgeon and biochemist “Dr.” Andre, media manipulator Gigi, mushroom creature from inside Hollow Earth Magic Myc, and Glenn Dolphman, a half-dolphin supersoldier who handles Cognito Inc’s weapons programs. This motley crew must complete assignments from the Shadow Council, deal with various personal issues, and learn to trust each other just a little bit.
Reagan, as more or less the protagonist, gets the most development. She’s got a lot of childhood trauma from dealing with her parents , manipulative alcoholic (and former CEO of Cognito Inc.) Rand, and narcissistic (to the point she marries herself) Tamiko. She wants to make Cognito, Inc. a better place to work, and by extension improve things for the rest of Earth’s population. But with some serious personal mental health issues, she might not be your first choice.
Good: There are many genuinely funny moments in this comedy, and lots of little references and background details to keep the viewer busy. A few of the more emotional moments also work very well.
Less good: Like a lot of “adult” cartoons, there’s an emphasis on sleaze and poor taste. Be aware that something could trip your unwanted content filters at any moment.

I do fear that Rand Ridley will appeal to a certain segment of the Internet fanbase that likes toxic masculinity and arrogance mixed with sharp wit and relative lack of consequence for his actions.
The first season ends with a slight change in the status quo that bodes ill for Reagan; no doubt a second season is already in production.
If you like your “mature subject matter” with comedy and science fiction trappings, recommended.