Open Thread: ConVergence 2021 Report
Those of you who’ve met me are aware that my introversion is almost at hermit levels, and this last year only amplified that. But I do enjoy a small amount of social interaction, and the lack of conventions wore on me. So when it was announced that the 2021 version of ConVergence: The Stuff of Legends would be live, I happily signed up.

In deference to the ongoing pandemic, there were a few changes made to the convention. Both proof of vaccination and masks were required (and I have to say that the percentage of people actually wearing masks correctly was much much higher than say on the buses I ride.) The membership was capped, and no children under 12 because no vaccinations for them yet. Prepackaged snacks in the consuite instead of hot food, etc. This made for a very different feel.
But certainly not a bad feel! The cosplayers worked hard to be imaginative with their masks, often incorporating them into their costumes. There were less incidents of ear-piercing shrieking. And it felt like folks were taking personal space much more seriously.
I arrived Thursday and got my badge, then dropped off books at the Book Swap. (They were all gone by Sunday afternoon–the shelves in general got a good picking over.) Then I attended the Films of 2000 panel (very obviously held over from last year) then took a first spin through the dealers room. “Star Trek: The Oversaturation” talked about all the new Star Trek material out recently, most of which I have not seen, so enjoyed spoilers for.
Opening Ceremonies had an opening skit that was a bit underwhelming, but self-aware about it, as “Beloved Character”, “Fan Favorite Character” and “Character from Something Not Genre-Related but Fans Have Latched On To” discussed how nice it was to be back. There was much more use of videos this year so that not too many people had to share the stage. After that, I caught an early bus home to prepare for the convention proper.
On Friday, I took in the Year in Film panel. There was a lot going on I didn’t see, and streaming was huge.
After that, it was time for my first panel that I was actually on, “Everything Is a ClichĂ©, Including this Panel” We talked about archetypes, tropes, stereotypes and our favorite and least favorite cliches. It was a lot of fun!
Immediately thereafter, I was on “Your Favorite RPG (That Isn’t D&D)”, with a batch of fellow gamers recommending all sorts of interesting sounding games, ranging from classics like Tekumel to the latest small press indies. I of course put in a good word for Champions/The Hero System, and found out several systems I thought were dead are still being published in one form or another.
After that, I checked out the Art Show (won a couple of pieces!) and again the Dealers’ Room, where I bought some manga. Did a lot of walking around, talked to old friends, ate at some point. I also checked out some of the parties, of which I liked the BIPOC fans one best, as I actually was able to have a conversation. I also liked the terrible movies room.
Saturday, I started with the “Batman Movies Face Off” and got to hear opinions on the various films over the years. A particular favorite of the panelists was Mask of the Phantasm. This was followed by the Ancient Greek Tragedy panel, which had information on what we do not know about the subject, and the hints at what has been lost. I started going to book signings–expect several of these to show up in future posts.
“Arthurian Legend in Popular Culture” was the panel I actually moderated this year, thankfully I had two knowledgeable panelists to do most of the talking! We talked about a variety of subjects, including the recent Green Knight movie (but no spoilers!)
I popped up to Cinema Rex to watch Jason and the Argonauts, which has some of the best stop-motion animation, and stops at exactly the right point to make a happy ending.
Then I enjoyed panels on Hammer Films (and where to find rarities), and Old Time Radio Horror. (Which included suggestions for New Time Podcast Horror shows.)
Back up to Cinema Rex for “Trailer Park”, a bunch of trailers for upcoming genre films, some of which look good, and others…well, I am sure they will find an audience. Made a pass through the parties area–it looked like adult beverage consumption was loosening people’s mask compliance, so I did not linger.
Sunday, I was on “Vampires in Media.” One of the other panelists had a Powerpoint on the most important vampire books and how they affected the portrayal of vampires. I also learned of The Black Vampire, an 1819 novella that was the first known published American vampire fiction. Bloody good fun.
I attended “Traditional or Self-Publishing”, an evergreen topic for aspiring writers. And then I went to a couple more book signings before leaving a bit early to prepare for work the next day.
I had a lot of fun, and hope to be back next year, when perhaps we will have faces!