Haven’t finished reading the next book in my pile yet, so let’s have a generic year’s roundup post!

People from around the globe have looked at this blog. The top ten countries for 2013 are: United States (way out in front, no surprise there), Canada, United Kingdom, France, Australia, Phillipines, Germany, Spain, Brazil and India. Only one visitor from Jamaica though. Can anyone recommend some good Jamaican books?
The top ten posts were:
- Anime Review: Magi – Labyrinth of Magic (Aided by the series getting a sequel in Falll 2013, still running and fairly popular.)
- Book Review: Wrapped in the Flag: A Personal History of America’s Radical Right (This autobiography of a daughter of John Birch Society stalwarts aroused a lot of interest.)
- Manga Review: Vagabond Volume 1 (The story of Japanese culture hero Miyamoto Musashi by the artist of Slam Dunk.)
- Manga Review: Ayako (A “mature readers” story by the legendary Osamu Tezuka–It’s good, but I have to wonder how many people clicked on it because of the naked lady on the cover.)
- Book Review: Ghosts in the Yew (This fantasy novel got almost all its clicks in one day when the author mentioned the review on his blog. He needs more fans.)
- Comic Strip Review: Dick Tracy (A review of the ongoing strip, still very good.)
- Manga Review: A*Tomcat (Another by Osamu Tezuka, this one a children’s story about an adorable kitten.)
- Comic Book Review: 47 Ronin (The classic Japanese based on a true story tale, illustrated by Stan Sakai. I also reviewed a book and 1962 film version, but not the 2013 film.)
- Manga Review: Triage X (A medical-themed vigilante tale by the artist but not the writer of Highschool of the Dead.)
- Comic Strip Review: Chester Gould’s Dick Tracy, Volume 13 1950-1951 (One of the fine collected volumes of the strip’s original run.)
Other posts did not fare so well, with only a single click so far:
- Book Review: Waco’s Debt (Part of J.T. Edson’s Western cycle.)
- Book Review: Blood Lance (A medieval murder mystery with a guest appearance by the Spear of Victory.)
- Book Review: Who Died in Here? (Short stories about death involving the restroom.)
- Book Review: Torsten (The very first gay historical paranormal romance novel I’ve ever read.)
- Book Review: Dead But Still Ticking (Humorous murder mysterry set in Columbus, Ohio.)
- Book Review: Journeyman Wizard (YA fantasy/mystery set in a cold land.)
- Book Review: The Devil – With Wings (Aviation pulp action set in 1930s China.)
Please consider sharing some love with these.
I’m looking forward to reading more books and writing reviews of them in 2014! Tell me what books you enjoyed reading in 2013, and what you’re looking forward to in 2014.
Happy New Year!