School has started again, and it is kicking my butt. So reading for reviews is going to be slowing down for the next couple of weeks.

However, I thought you might like to see some of what’s coming up in the next month or so. Here’s books I’ve received from authors and publishers on the premise I would read and review them–not necessarily in the order they will appear.
- The Stone Lions by Gwen Dandridge. A children’s fantasy novel set in Moorish Andalusia, which doubles as a text on symmetry.
- Torsten by Joshua Kalin. Historical fiction about three friends who sail with Christopher Columbus.
- USA Noir edited by Johnny Temple. An anthology of noir short stories, a “best of” collection.
- Narrative Structure In Comics: Making Sense of Fragments by Barbara Postema. A scholarly work about how comics work.
- The Sky Devil by L. Ron Hubbard. Three pulp stories of manly adventure. Due to some difficulty with the shipment, Galaxy Press kindly also sent along the audio version, so I’ll be reviewing that as well.
- The Thirty-Ninth Man by Dale Swanson. Back to historical fiction, this time about the 1862 Dakota Uprising.
Plus anything else I come across I have time to post about. If all else fails, I’ll be digging through my old journals for reviews I did before I had a blog.
Anything on this list you’re looking forward to? Are you a publisher or author who would like to send books for me to review? Let me know in the comments!