Time for the monthly recommendation of other blogs! I went to the Bloggers’ group meeting at Joule again. This time the topic was timesaving tips, such as having a calendar to remind you when it’s time to post. One cool tip for bloggers with families is having a special article of clothing that you wear when you are blogging so people know not to bother you. “When Daddy is wearing his Chicago Cubs hat, that means he’s busy writing about sports, so don’t interrupt him unless you’re bleeding or the house is on fire.”

Here are some of the attendees and their blogs that you might want to check out.:
Wyzguys Tech Talk: http://www.bobwyzguy.com/ Computer repair, network maintenance and related issues. The latest post is about Windows 8 training classes in the Twin Cities area.
Tech Nick Tips: http://technickconsulting.com/technicktips/ Web marketing and social media. The latest post is about misconceptions of business-related social media.
Pianist for Parties: http://pianistforparties.com/blog/ The author writes about her experiences playing piano for various gatherings. Tomorrow 10/3/13, is Day of German Unity, and she’ll be playing for a celebration of that, so watch this space.
Retirement Education Plus: http://www.retirementeducationplus.com/retirement-blog/ Information for those planning for retirement or about to retire. The most recent post was reminding people that if you are already on Medicare, you don’t need to sign up for the ACA separately.
My Cuddle Corner: http://shannonfabrics.com/blog/ The official blog for Shannon Fabrics, which specializes in plush fabrics. The lastest entry has a picture of cute children in cheetah costumes. Seriously, these kids are adorable.
Euphoria Gems: http://www.euphoriagems.com/ does not have a blog yet, but is planning to start one. Their gimmick is something called “interchangeable gems.”
The Light in the Middle of the Tunnel: http://thelightinthemiddleofthetunnel.com/blog-2/ A blog for family caregivers, particularly in dealing with Parkinson’s Disease. The latest post is the personal testimony of someone diagnosed with Parkinson’s.
AccessAbility: http://www.aabsi.com/ provides business services for those companies who want to hire people with disabilities or other challenges. Their newsletter is not directly accessible, you’ll have to subscribe.
WeCo Website Accessibility Blog: http://theweco.com/weco-blog/ WeCo tests the accessibility of websites to make sure that they can be used by people with disabilities or other challenges. The most recent blog post is a profile of one of their testers. WeCo has, by the way, a very organized blogging plan–if you like reliable posting schedules, these folks do a good job.
Please consider visiting one or more of these blogs–they’d love to have your views, and if you have some pertinent comments, those would be greatly appreciated.
Also consider commenting here with a link to your blog and what it’s about!
Thanks for putting together the links! I look forward to checking them out. I just posted a blog about how the government shutdown can affect weddings. I know all too well the stress from canceled weddings during the 2011 state shutdown. http://pianistforparties.com/blog/2013/10/2/can-your-wedding-be-canceled-by-a-government-shutdown
Interesting! I’ve posted that link on a discussion forum about the shutdown, so you may see a traffic boost.