I went to a LinkedMN Bloggers meeting last night. The main subject was conversions, turning readers into leads. At the moment, I am not selling anything, but I would ask that you take a look back at previous posts, and if you appreciate any of them, “like” it or push the button for your favorite social media site.

One of the things we do at these meetings is pass around our business cards, so I thought you might like to see some of the blogs and websites the other participants have put up.
Home Security Plus is a website that talks about home security systems. Sells things related to them too. You might want to check out the article about thinking like a burglar. http://www.home-security-plus.com/blog/
GIR-Graphics and Innovative Resources helps small businesses with marketing and branding. The top article as of this writing is about growing your audience on Facebook. http://girpromotions.com/
The Light In the Middle of the Tunnel is primarily attached to a book of the same name telling stories of family caregivers of people with Parkinson’s, but covers other caregiver issues as well. http://thelightinthemiddleofthetunnel.com/blog-2/
Remotely Smart is a small business that provides help setting up online education. The latest post deals with people who don’t want to work remotely. http://www.remotelysmart.com/blog/
Joule isn’t a blog, but a set of meeting spaces designed for small organizations and business that need more space than they normally have for an event. The bloggers group meetings are there. http://joulemn.com/
Retirement Education Plus helps people plan for retirement, both financially and in more subtle ways. The latest post as of this writing is about changes in Medicare acquisition of medical devices. http://www.retirementeducationplus.com/retirement-blog/
Pianist for Parties is by Sharon Planer, a professional pianist. Her posts tend to be about the events she’s played for. http://pianistforparties.com/blog/
John Ploetz Bloggin is primarily about managing nonprofits. The most recent post is about managers and managees. http://jploetz.wordpress.com/author/jploetz/
The Art of Living Naturally deals with mind-body oneness, relaxation and connecting with nature. The top post now is about listening deeply. http://www.jonathanpoppele.blogspot.com/
Orangutan Village is an Internet publisher of blogs and websites–not many yet, but you might find something you like. http://orangutanvillage.com/#websites
What’s up with you folks? Any blogs you’ve enjoyed lately, especially ones that need more love?
Thanks for putting this up, Scott! Glad to have you back at the meetings.